IDA 509

IDA509 - Filming and Photography on the UC Irvine Campus

IDA 509

March 23, 2011


RE:   Redelegation of Authority - Service Agreements, Specific to Filming and Photography on the UC Irvine Campus

The authority to execute service agreements required with outside organizations, agencies, and individuals to implement approved programs and activities, whether the University is the supplier or recipient of the service covered by the agreement, was delegated to Chancellors by Presidential Delegation of Authority DA 1058 on December 30, 1991, and redelegated to the Vice Chancellor-Administrative and Business Services in IDA 508 on March 10, 2011 [superseded by IDA 594 9/28/17].

I am redelegating the authority provided by the above mentioned delegations, specific to the execution of filming and photography agreements for the University of California, Irvine when the best interests of the University are served, to the Associate Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs, with the following conditions and limitations:  

  1. Agreements exceeding $25,000 will be referred to the Vice Chancellor or Associate Vice Chancellor-Administrative and Business Services for review and execution.
  2. A printed form of agreement previously approved by Materiel & Risk Management shall be used for all agreements and, in the event there is any deviation or change, the altered agreement will be submitted to Materiel & Risk Management for approval.
  3. The executing official will maintain a copy of the agreement as the office of record. One fully executed copy of the agreement must be sent to Materiel & Risk Management and to the Accounting Office.

The attached Section 900-30, Policy on Filming and Photography on the UC Irvine Campus, is incorporated into this delegation of authority and those administrators delegated authority will be held responsible for the policy's proper application.

This authority may be redelegated only to one senior administrator.

Signed copy

Wendell Brase
Vice Chancellor

Attachment: Section 900-30, Policy on Filming and Photography on the UC Irvine Campus

C: Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs
Associate Vice Chancellor-Administrative & Business Services
Assistant Vice Chancellor-Accounting and Fiscal Services
Director, Materiel & Risk Management 
Chief Campus Counsel
Director, Internal Audit
Administrative Policies Officer