IDA 117
IDA117 - Recharge Rates
IDA 117
July 21, 1995
RE: Delegation of Authority - Recharge Rates
Campus Policy and Procedures Manual Section 703-13 defines a recharge as the assessment and collection of a charge by one University department/unit/activity/project for goods or services, furnished to another University department/unit/activity/project. A recharge transaction is appropriate when the furnishing department has incurred expense to make available a product or service which is sold to customer departments for an established price, or at a price based on an established standard pricing method. The Chancellor's authority to approve recharge rates is set forth in Business and Finance Bulletin A-47. I am redelegating to the Executive Vice Chancellor the authority to approve recharge rates following appropriate budgetary and financial review.
This authority may not be redelegated further and supersedes the portion of the January 2, 1986 delegation of authority from Chancellor Peltason on Fees, Service Charges, and Recharges that relates to recharges.
Laurel L. Wilkening
cc: Special Assistant, Coordination and Review
Vice Chancellor-Administrative & Business Services
Assistant Executive Vice Chancellor-Resource Management & Analysis
Assistant Vice Chancellor-Accounting & Fiscal Services
Director, Financial Planning
Counsel to the Chancellor
Director, Internal Audit
Coordinator, Campus Administrative Policies