IDA 132
IDA132 - Undergraduate Admissions by Exception
IDA 132
July 21, 1995
RE: Delegation of Authority - Undergraduate Admissions by Exception
The University of California Policy on Undergraduate Admissions by Exception, approved by The Regents May 18, 1990, charges Chancellors with furthering the goals specified in the policy. I am delegating to the Executive Vice Chancellor, the authority to act on all matters involving undergraduate admissions by exception on the Irvine campus. Any redelegation of this authority should be in writing, with a copies to the list below.
This authority supersedes the July 12, 1985 delegation of authority on special action admissions from Chancellor Peltason to the Executive Vice Chancellor.
Laurel L. Wilkening
cc: Vice Chancellor Research and Dean, Graduate Studies
Dean, Undergraduate Studies
Director of Admissions
Director of EOP/Student Affirmative Action-Outreach
Assistant Executive Vice Chancellor-University Ombudsman
Counsel to the Chancellor
Director, Internal Audit
Coordinator, Campus Administrative Policies