IDA 244
IDA244 - Student Discipline for Violation of Academic Honesty Policy - Division of Undergraduate Education
IDA 244
January 30, 1998
RE: Redelegation of Authority - Student Discipline in Violation of Academic Honesty Policy
Per your nomination [IDA237] of December 1, 1997, on the above subject, I further redelegate this authority to Robert Newsom, Associate Dean of the Division of Undergraduate Education.
James N. Danziger
Dean, Division of Undergraduate Education
cc: Nancy Capell, Special Assistant, Coordination and Review
Sidney H. Golub, Executive Vice Chancellor
Manuel Gomez, Vice Chancellor-Student Services
Janis Schonauer, Acting University Ombudsman
Sally Peterson, Dean of Students
Diane Geocaris, Counsel to the Chancellor
Ron Stark, Director, Internal Audit
Harriett Speegle, Coordinator, Campus Administrative Policies