IDA 601

IDA601 - Major Capital Projects - Budget or Design

IDA 601

May 21, 2018


RE: Delegation of Authority - Major Capital Projects - Budget or Design

The authority to approve certain capital project matters was delegated to Chancellors by Presidential Delegation of Authority DA 2622, April 20, 2018.

I am redelegating the following specific authorities to the Chief Financial Officer and Vice Chancellor–Division of Finance and Administration, subject to the relevant terms of DA 2622:

    1. Budget or design for UCI campus capital projects consistent* with the approved Capital Financial Plan, accepted Physical Design Framework (PhDF), and approved Long Range Development Plan (LRDP):
      • Approve budget (non-State) and design for capital projects with a project budget up to and including $25 million in accordance with Volume 2, Chapter 7, of the Facilities Manual, subject to the following:
        • (i) For projects with a total project budget over $10 million, a Business Case Analysis and Project Planning Guide or equivalent has been reviewed by UCOP Capital Asset Strategies.
        • (ii) Authority excludes budget approvals for any capital project funded wholly or in part by State funds.
    2. Budget or design for UCI campus capital projects not consistent with the approved Capital Financial Plan or accepted PhDF, but consistent* with the approved LRDP:
      • Approve budget (non-State) and design for capital projects with a project budget up to and including $10 million in accordance with Volume 2, Chapter 7, of the Facilities Manual, subject to the following:
        • (i) Authority excludes budget approvals for any capital project funded wholly or in part by State funds.

     * Consistency with PhDF and LRDP not required for off-campus projects for which there is no applicable PhDF or LRDP.

I am retaining these authorities with respect to UCI Medical Center capital projects.

These authorities may not be further redelegated.

Signed copy

Howard Gillman

cc: Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor 
Associate Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor 
Office of Campus Counsel 
Associate Vice Chancellor–Planning & Budget 
Assistant Vice Chancellor–Capital Planning and Space Management 
Director–Internal Audit
Manager–Administrative Policies