IDA 601
IDA601 - Major Capital Projects - Budget or Design
IDA 601
May 21, 2018
RE: Delegation of Authority - Major Capital Projects - Budget or Design
The authority to approve certain capital project matters was delegated to Chancellors by Presidential Delegation of Authority DA 2622, April 20, 2018.
I am redelegating the following specific authorities to the Chief Financial Officer and Vice Chancellor–Division of Finance and Administration, subject to the relevant terms of DA 2622:
- Budget or design for UCI campus capital projects consistent* with the approved Capital Financial Plan, accepted Physical Design Framework (PhDF), and approved Long Range Development Plan (LRDP):
- Approve budget (non-State) and design for capital projects with a project budget up to and including $25 million in accordance with Volume 2, Chapter 7, of the Facilities Manual, subject to the following:
- (i) For projects with a total project budget over $10 million, a Business Case Analysis and Project Planning Guide or equivalent has been reviewed by UCOP Capital Asset Strategies.
- (ii) Authority excludes budget approvals for any capital project funded wholly or in part by State funds.
- Approve budget (non-State) and design for capital projects with a project budget up to and including $25 million in accordance with Volume 2, Chapter 7, of the Facilities Manual, subject to the following:
- Budget or design for UCI campus capital projects not consistent with the approved Capital Financial Plan or accepted PhDF, but consistent* with the approved LRDP:
- Approve budget (non-State) and design for capital projects with a project budget up to and including $10 million in accordance with Volume 2, Chapter 7, of the Facilities Manual, subject to the following:
- (i) Authority excludes budget approvals for any capital project funded wholly or in part by State funds.
- Approve budget (non-State) and design for capital projects with a project budget up to and including $10 million in accordance with Volume 2, Chapter 7, of the Facilities Manual, subject to the following:
- Budget or design for UCI campus capital projects consistent* with the approved Capital Financial Plan, accepted Physical Design Framework (PhDF), and approved Long Range Development Plan (LRDP):
* Consistency with PhDF and LRDP not required for off-campus projects for which there is no applicable PhDF or LRDP.
I am retaining these authorities with respect to UCI Medical Center capital projects.
These authorities may not be further redelegated.
Howard Gillman
cc: | Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Associate Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Office of Campus Counsel Associate Vice Chancellor–Planning & Budget Assistant Vice Chancellor–Capital Planning and Space Management Director–Internal Audit Manager–Administrative Policies |