Office of Research establishes and oversees the University's policies relating to research and extramural funding programs; it helps to coordinate matters concerning state and federal research projects and legislative initiatives related to research; it ensures oversight of DOE laboratory research programs; and it coordinates administration and review of Multicampus Research Units and Programs across the system.
Research Policy Analysis and Coordination
This unit is the institution-wide focal point for extramural contract and grant policies. Research administration is responsible for monitoring and responding to changes in sponsor requirements, and working to interpret and implement sponsor requirements consistent with University needs. This Web site provides access to a body of required research administration information; University generated policies and data bases; direct links to Federal and State sources; and professional societies.
UC Contract and Grant Manual
UC systemwide policies on the solicitation, acceptance and administration of awards from extramural sponsors. Includes record retention information: Chapter 17, Records/Paperwork Access and Management. Issued by the UC Research Administration Office.
Retention of Research Records
A matrix showing retention and disposition requirements for research records.
UC Policies Pertaining to Research
Compendium of policies related to the conduct of research at the University of California.
Research Administration is the unit in the Office of Research responsible for campus policy information related to research activity and funding.
Conflict of Interest
Research Policies
Integrity in Research
Export Controls
Human Research Protections
Animal Care & Use
Human Stem Cell Research