Form 801 Guidance
Gifts to the University That Provide a Personal Benefit (Form 801)
If a gift to the University Provides personal benefit to an employee (see DA 2206), the
department head will select the individual who will use the gift and will report the payment on
Form 801.
The form is sent to the Conflict of Interest Coordinator for filing with the FPPC as required by
the California Code of Regulations, Title 2 § 18944.2.
The FPPC has determined that a gift will be considered a gift to an agency, and not to an
employee, when the following criteria are satisfied:
- The department head determines and controls the department’s use of the gift.
- The gift is used for official University business.
- The donor identifies a purpose for the gift but does not designate by name, title, class or otherwise, an official who may use the payment.
- The person who determines who will use the gift does not select himself or herself as the user of the gift.
- The department reports the gift on Form 801.
For additional information and guidance please contact the policy office at: