Irvine Delegations of Authority Table of Contents

IDA UC Ref Subject Category Date From
IDA 658 DA 2629 • Redelegation of Authority - Approve and Execute the Grant of Easements and Rights-of-Way Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2024-09-10 Chancellor
IDA 415 2005-04-15 EVC
IDA 657 DA 2629 • Redelegation of Authority – Approval and Execution of Commitments for Licenses Pertaining to Capital Project Matters Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2024-09-10 Chancellor
IDA 656 DA 2629 • Redelegation of Authority – Approve and Execute Leases Pertaining to Capital Project Matters Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2024-09-10 Chancellor
IDA 655 DA 2629 • Redelegation of Authority - Approval of Budget and Design for Non-State-Funded Major Capital Projects Facilities and Properties: Planning and Development 2024-09-10 Chancellor
IDA 654 DA 2629 • Redelegation of Authority – Appointment of Executive Design Professionals and Execution
of Design Professional Agreements
Facilities and Properties: Planning and Development 2024-09-10 Chancellor
IDA 653 DA 2629 • Redelegation of Authority – Bid Solicitation and Execution of Construction Contracts Facilities and Properties: Planning and Development 2024-09-10 Chancellor
IDA 652 DA 2629 • Redelegation of Authority – Approval of Budget and Design for Non-State-Funded Minor Capital Improvement Projects Facilities and Properties: Planning and Development 2024-09-10 Chancellor
IDA 651 DA 2629 • Redelegation of Authority - Transfers of Funds for Capital Projects Facilities and Properties: Planning and Development 2024-09-10 Chancellor
IDA 648 UC Policy on Substance Abuse • Redelegation of Authority – Approval to Serve and Sell Alcoholic Beverages Facilities and Properties: Operations and Use 2024-09-10 Chancellor
IDA 647 Senate Faculty Merits and Promotions Personnel: Academic 2024-06-25 EVC/P
IDA 645 Governing Body of UCI Medical Center General 2024-03-20 Chancellor
IDA 646 Acquired General Acute Care Hospitals Not Operating Under the UCI Medical Center License General 2024-03-25 Pres/CEO, UCI Health
IDA 502 BFB BUS-49 Cashiering Operations on Campus Accounts Receivable / Payable 2010-03-08 Chancellor
IDA 644 Acquired Clinical Facilities Not Operating Under the UCI Medical Center License General 2024-03-12 Chancellor
IDA 643 Withdrawal of Consent to Remain on Campus and in UCI-Operated Facilities Facilities and Properties: Operations and Use 2024-03-04 Chancellor
IDA 059 BFB-BUS-49 Chancellor's Patent Fund For Graduate Student Research Accounts Receivable / Payable 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 602 DA 1095 and  BFB BUS-49 Commercial Credit Cards and Credit Card/ Internet Payment Gateway Coordinator Accounts Receivable / Payable 2018-08-27 Chancellor
IDA 006 Expend Allocated University Funds Accounts Receivable / Payable 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 394 • Redelegation - Expend Allocated University Funds [Chancellor's Office] Accounts Receivable / Payable 2004-11-09 Chancellor
IDA 629 APM 666, 5/11/18 Letter Honoraria Accounts Receivable / Payable 2021-06-25 Chancellor
IDA 630 APM 666, 5/11/18 Letter • Redelegation - Honoraria [EVC/P's Office] Accounts Receivable / Payable 2021-06-30 EVC/P
IDA 368 DA 2584 Revolving Fund Withdrawals Accounts Receivable / Payable 2003-05-09 Chancellor
IDA 179 DA 0782 Small Claims Court, Filing Actions Accounts Receivable / Payable 1995-11-21 Chancellor
IDA 633 DA 2647 Write Off Bad Debts Accounts Receivable / Payable 2021-11-17 Chancellor
IDA 358 SO 100.6 Environmental, Health, and Safety Permits and Licenses - Negotiate and Execute Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2003-02-25 Chancellor
IDA 505 SO 100.6 • Redelegation - Environmental, Health, and Safety Permits and Licenses - Negotiate and Execute [C&EP, EH&S] Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2010-06-01 VC A&BS
IDA 450 SO 100.6 • Redelegation - Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2008-02-25 VC A&BS
IDA 102 BFB IS-5 FCC License Applications and Broadcast Facility Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 247 DA 2096 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, Execution of Certifications of Application Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 1998-06-17 Chancellor
IDA 565 BFB BUS-34 Independent Consultants Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2015-12-18 Chancellor
IDA 612 DA 1058 International Academic MOUs and Agreements Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2019-01-22 Chancellor
IDA 285 DA 2106 Local Law Enforcement Agencies, Written Agreements Consistent with California Education Code Section 67381 Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 1999-01-20 Chancellor
IDA 616 2019-07-01 Chancellor
IDA 617 2019-07-01 Chancellor
IDA 618 2019-07-01 Chancellor
IDA 099 DA 0131 Radioactive Materials LIcenses Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 1994-04-02 Chancellor
IDA 594 2017-09-28 Chancellor
IDA 251 DA 1058 • Redelegation - Service Agreements [Administrative & Business Services] Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 1998-09-04 Assoc VC A&BS
IDA 627 2020-11-02 Pres/CEO, UCI Health
IDA 509 DA 1058 • Redelegation - Filming and Photography on UCI Campus [Student Affairs] Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2011-03-23 VC A&BS
IDA 510 DA 1058 • Redelegation - Filming and Photography on UCI Campus [Student Affairs] Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2011-03-28 Assoc VC SA
IDA 494 DA 1058 • Redelegation - Medi-Cal Application/Agreements and Medi-Cal Disclosure Statements [UCIMC] Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2010-01-07 Chancellor
IDA 270 DA 1058 • Redelegation - Outplacement Services Agreements [Human Resources] Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 1998-09-04 Assoc VC A&BS
IDA 126 DA 1058 • Redelegation - Outplacement Services Agreements [Labor Relations] Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 1998-09-05 Asst VC HR
IDA 493 DA 1058 • Redelegation - Outplacement Services Agreements [UCIMC] Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2009-12-14 CEO UCIMC
IDA 052 DA 1058 • Redelegation - Performance Agreements for Concerts, Lectures, Rental of Films and Various Theatrical or Musical Productions [Campuswide] Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 1995-09-29 VC A&BS
IDA 459 DA 1058 • Redelegation - Student Health Insurance Coverage Agreements [Materiel & Risk Management] Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2008-08-19 Assoc VC A&BS
IDA 272 DA 1058 • Redelegation - Teacher Training Program Agreements [Education] Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 1998-09-08 VC A&BS
IDA 559 DA 1058 • Redelegation - UC Irvine Extension Educational Course and Program Agreements [Continuing Educ] Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2015-01-06 VC A&BS
IDA 560 DA 1058 • Redelegation - UC Irvine Extension Educational Course and Program Agreements [Continuing Educ] Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2015-01-09 Dean Cont Educ
IDA 539 DA 1058 • Redelegation - Voluntary Education Partnership Memoradum of Understanding with the Department of Defense Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2012-06-13 Chancellor
IDA 273 1996-08-21 VC A&BS
IDA 492

DA 2595

Regents Policy 4105

Settlements of Claims and Separation Agreements Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2009-11-12 Chancellor
IDA 472

DA 2595

Regents Policy 4105

Settlement Authority Requests Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2009-05-15 Chancellor
IDA 545

DA 0864

Use of University Name and Seals, Campus Names and Seal and Trademarks Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2013-04-04 Chancellor
IDA 546

DA 0864

• Redelegation - Use of University Name and Seals, Campus Names and Seal and Trademarks [Trademark & Licensing] Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2013-04-04 VC Planning & Budget
IDA 056

DA 0856

Utilities Commodities and Services, Agreements Pertaining to Purchase of Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 1994-04-02 Chancellor
IDA 181


Vehicle and Vessel Licensing Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 1995-09-21 Chancellor
IDA 634

DA 0916

Authority to Execute Health Sciences Affiliation Agreements and Health Sciences Program Agreements Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2021-12-17 Chancellor
IDA 005


Cost-of-Education Allowances  Budget 1995-09-21 Chancellor
IDA 593 DA 2055 Declaration of Official Intent to Reimburse Capital Exp enditures from Proceeds of Indebtedness Budget 2017-09-01 Chancellor
IDA 104 Plng & Budget Manual Operating Budget Amendments Budget 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 504 DA 2247 To Solicit Federal Grant Funding under the National Institute of Standards and Technology Construction Grant Program Budget 2010-05-21 Chancellor
IDA 619 DA 2631 Solicit and Accept Gifts Development 2019-08-27 Chancellor
IDA 458 DA 2206 Gifts to an Agency Approval and Reporting Requirements Development 2008-07-16 Chancellor
IDA 370 DA 2016 Administration of University of California Housing Facilities Facilities and Properties: Operations and Use 2003-08-20 Chancellor
IDA 552 2014-05-07 Chancellor
IDA 551 DA 0554 University Approval of Liquor Licenses for UC Irvine Facilities Facilities and Properties: Operations and Use 2014-05-07 Chancellor
IDA 136 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 601 2018-05-21 Chancellor
IDA 579 2016-10-03 Chancellor
IDA 025 DA 0606 Approval of Building Plans, Siting of Individual Buildings and Projects, and Solicitation of Bids Facilities and Properties: Planning and Development 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 531 2012-01-20 Chancellor
IDA 482 2009-09-01 Chancellor
IDA 481 2009-09-01 Chancellor
IDA 030 UC Policy Seismic Safety Facilities and Properties: Planning and Development 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 187 DA 0693 Solicit, Accept, or Execute Extramural Grants and Contracts for Construction of Facilities Facilities and Properties: Planning and Development 1996-10-09 Chancellor
IDA 061 DA 0409 Deferral of Payment of University Registration Fee for Teaching Assistants Fees and Charges 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 062 DA 0426 Determine Effective Date of Withdrawal in Extenuating Circumstances as Applicable to Student Fee Refunds Fees and Charges 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 033 DA 2559 Duplicate Diplomas and Fees Fees and Charges 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 060 UC Policy Fee for Filing of Master's Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation Fees and Charges 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 063 Nonresident Tuition Fee Waivers Fees and Charges 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 117 BFB A-47 Recharge Rates Fees and Charges 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 302 DA 2559 University Extension Fees Fees and Charges 2011-04-12 Chancellor
IDA 009 Pres Dir Waiver of Admission Application Fee Fees and Charges 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 111 DA 1014 Administration of Irvine Campus Housing Community Program General 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 020 DA 0303 Adopt Traffic Regulations General 1994-04-02 Chancellor
IDA 018 UC Internal Audit Mission Services Statement and Charter Audit Responsibility General 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 615 Authority to Act for the Chancellor General 2019-03-25 Chancellor
IDA 290 BFB G-41 Employee Non-Cash Awards General 1999-06-22 Chancellor
IDA 592 APM-190 - Appx E Faculty Recruitment Allowance Program, Exceptions to the Eligibility Requirements General 2017-08-21 Chancellor
IDA 135 DA 0415 Found and Unclaimed Property General 1994-04-02 Chancellor
IDA 303 Signature Authority of Dean, Continuing Education General 2000-04-11 EVC
IDA 498 Signature Authority of Dean, Graduate Division General 2010-01-19 EVC/P
IDA 496 Signature Authority of Dean, Division of Undergraduate Education General 2010-01-19 EVC/P
IDA 500 Signature Authority of University Librarian General 2010-03-03 EVC/P
IDA 487 Signature Authority of Vice Provost-Academic Planning General 2009-10-27 EVC
IDA 180 BFB BUS-63 Accidental Death and Dismemberment and Total and Permanent Disability Insurance Materiel Management 1995-11-21 Chancellor
IDA 064 DA 0777 Employee-Vendor Relationships Materiel Management 1994-04-02 Chancellor
IDA 635 DA 2100 To Execute Purchase Contracts, Subcontracts, and Standard Purchase Orders for Materials, Goods, and Services to be Supplied to the University of California, Irvine Materiel Management 2022-05-26 Chancellor
IDA 636 DA 2100 • Redelegation - To Execute Purchase Contracts, Subcontracts, and Standard Purchase Orders for Materials, Goods, and Services to be Supplied to the University of California, Irvine Materiel Management 2022-05-27 CFO/VC DFA
IDA 637 DA 2100 • Redelegation -  To Execute Purchase Contracts, Subcontracts, and Standard Purchase Orders for Materials, Goods, and Services to be Supplied to the University of California, Irvine Materiel Management 2022-05-27 Pres/CEO, UCI Health
IDA 585 BFB BUS-2 Tax-Free Alcohol Materiel Management 2017-04-18 Chancellor
IDA 586 BFB BUS-2 Tax-Free Alcohol, UCI Medical Center Materiel Management 2017-04-18 Chancellor
IDA 518 APM 240 Appointment and Compensation of Deans Personnel: Academic 2012-06-19 Chancellor
IDA 517

DA 2150


Academic Personnel Actions Personnel: Academic 2012-06-19 Chancellor
IDA 514 APM SEC ll • Redelegation - Academic Actions for Librarians (School of Law) Personnel: Academic 2011-07-19 EVC/P
IDA 515 APM SEC ll • Redelegation - Associate and Assistant University Librarians (School of Law) Personnel: Academic 2011-07-19 EVC/P
IDA 312 APM SEC ll • Redelegation - Appointment of Associate and Assistant Deans Personnel: Academic 2000-07-14 EVC
IDA 409 APM SEC ll • Redelegation - Appointment of Department Chairs Personnel: Academic 2005-04-11 EVC
IDA 315 APM SEC ll • Redelegation - Leaves of Absence Without Salary Personnel: Academic 2000-07-14 EVC
IDA 603 Agreement • Redelegation - Lecturers Personnel: Academic 2018-10-15 EVC/P
IDA 608 APM SEC ll • Redelegation - Professional Researcher Series Appointments and Normal Merit Increases Personnel: Academic 2018-10-24 EVC/P
IDA 542 APM SEC ll • Redelegation - Postdoctoral Scholars Personnel: Academic 2012-09-19 EVC/P
IDA 609 APM SEC ll • Redelegation - Project____Series (e.g. Project Scientist) Personnel: Academic 2018-10-24 EVC/P
IDA 538


DA 1002

• Redelegation - Recall Appointments for Academic Appointees Personnel: Academic 2012-07-02 EVC/P
IDA 321 APM-740 • Redelegation - Sabbatical Leaves Personnel: Academic 2000-07-14 EVC
IDA 555 APM SEC ll • Redelegation - Appointments and Merit Increases, Adjunct Professor Series Personnel: Academic 2014-05-19 EVC/P
IDA 606 APM SEC ll • Redelegation - Senate Faculty Appointments Personnel: Academic 2018-11-02 EVC/P
IDA 631 2021-12-02 EVC/P
IDA 610 APM SEC ll • Redelegation - Specialist Series Personnel: Academic 2018-10-24 EVC/P
IDA 659 APM SEC ll • Redelegation - Visiting Professor Series, Visiting Researcher Series Personnel: Academic 2025-03-06 EVC/P
IDA 556 2014-05-06 EVC/P
IDA 557 2014-05-16 Dean-SOM
IDA 642 APM SEC ll • Redelegation - Health Sciences Clinical Professor Series Personnel: Academic 2023-10-31 EVC/P
IDA 521 Health Sciences Clinical Compensation Plan, Exceptions Personnel: Academic 2012-06-19 Chancellor
IDA 522 • Redelegation - Health Sciences Clinical Compensation Plan, Exceptions Personnel: Academic 2012-06-22 EVC/P
IDA 540 APM 140 Hearing Officer for Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Grievances Personnel: Academic 2012-07-03 Chancellor
IDA 541 APM 140 • Redelegation - Hearing Officer for Non-Senate Academic Appointees/Grievances Personnel: Academic 2012-10-30 EVC/P
IDA 408 APM 410, 415, 420 Academic Appointments of Graduate Students Personnel: Academic 2005-04-11 EVC
IDA 326 APM 410-12 Appointment of Undergraduate Students as Teaching Assistants Personnel: Academic 2001-11-07 EVC
IDA 407 Appointment of Undergraduate Readers and Tutors Personnel: Academic 2005-04-11 EVC
IDA 314 Deferral of Academic Review Personnel: Academic 2000-07-14 EVC
IDA 344 APM 520 Employment of Near Relatives [for academic and staff personnel] Personnel: Academic 2002-05-15 Chancellor
IDA 628 APM 550, 560, 561, BFB-G-13 Removal Expenses Personnel: Academic 2000-12-02 Chancellor
IDA 611 2019-01-22 Chancellor
IDA 336 DA 2075 Classification Authority for Professional/Support Staff and Managers/Senior Positions : PPS 36 Personnel: Staff 2002-05-15 Chancellor
IDA 342 Damage Payments, Services Performed Before Signing Loyalty Oath Personnel: Staff 2002-05-15 Chancellor
IDA 344 APM 520 Employment of Near Relatives [for academic and staff personnel] :  PPS 21 Personnel: Staff 2002-05-15 Chancellor
IDA 339 DA 2087 Establish Perquisite Values Personnel: Staff 2002-05-15 Chancellor
IDA 334 DA 2073 Exceptions to Staff Policy 40.D.2., Compensation for Holiday Work :  PPS 40 Personnel: Staff 2002-05-15 Chancellor
IDA 331 DA 2069 Exceptions to Staff Policy 51, Reduced Fee Enrollments for Selected Nursing Employees :  PPS 51 Personnel: Staff 2002-05-15 Chancellor
IDA 343 DA 2087 Exceptions to Time Limits for Compensating Overtime for Staff Personnel :  PPS 32 Personnel: Staff 2002-05-15 Chancellor
IDA 638 DA 2087,   PPSM-30 Appointments, Promotions, Lateral Transfers, Demotions, and Compensation of Certain Staff Personnel (Career, Contract, and Limited) :  PPS30 Personnel: Staff 2023-08-17 Chancellor
IDA 578 DA 2592 Approval of Exceptions to Approved Indirect Cost Rates Research 2016-09-30 Chancellor
IDA 604 BFB BUS-50 Controlled Substances Program: Responsible Official Research 2018-10-18 Chancellor
IDA 605 BFB BUS-50 • Redelegation - Controlled Substances Program: Program Administration Research 2018-10-30 VC Research
IDA 621 UC Policy Copyright Ownership Research 2020-03-02 Chancellor
IDA 622 UC Policy • Redelegation - Copyright Ownership Research 2020-07-13 Director, ISR, Applied Innov.
IDA 620 UC Patent Policy  &  Reassign Responsibilities Letter Execution of Documents Necessary for the Conduct of Patenting, Licensing, and Intellectual Property Matters Research 2020-03-02 Chancellor
IDA 571 UC Patent Policy  &  Reassign Responsibilities Letter • Redelegation - Execution of Documents Necessary for the Conduct of Patenting, Licensing, and Intellectual Property Matters Research 2016-10-05 Exec. Director Applied Innov.
IDA 597 DA 0666 Expenditure or Commitment of Funds Against Approved Research, Training, or Development Contract or Grant Research 2017-11-02 Chancellor
IDA 436 Organized Research Units, Campus Centers, and Special Research Programs Research 2007-05-15 Chancellor
IDA 569 C&G 1-500 Principal Investigator Status, Exceptions Research 2017-03-13 Chancellor
IDA 572 Protection of Human Subjects  &  Use of Animals  policies Protection of Human and Animal Subjects Research 2017-03-13 Chancellor
IDA 575 DA 2100 Purchasing Authority--Subagreements Research 2017-03-13 Chancellor
IDA 596 DA 2569 Solicit, Accept, or Execute Certain Extramural Research, Training, and Public Service Contracts and Grants Research 2017-11-07 Chancellor
IDA 598 DA 2569 • Redelegation - Solicit, Accept, or Execute Certain Extramural Research, Training, and Public Service Contracts and Grants Research 2018-03-12 VC Research
IDA 447 DA 2197 To Solicit and Execute Certain Changes with Respect to the National Children's Study Award Research 2008-02-05 Chancellor
IDA 583 DA 2107 Solicit and Accept or Execute Any Grants or Contracts Containing the NASA Waiver of Subrogation Rights Research 2017-04-18 Chancellor
IDA 584 DA 2053 Solicit and Accept or Execute Grants or Contracts Containing the TRB/NRC Liability Statement Research 2017-04-08 Chancellor
IDA 479 DA 2225 To Solicit Federal Grant Funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Research 2009-07-29 Chancellor
IDA 032 APM 410-17 Employment Limitation Waiver for Graduate Students Student Issues 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 097 DA 0447 Health Insurance Coverage for Foreign Students Student Issues 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 237 UCI Senate Policy Student Discipline, Academic Honesty Student Issues 1997-12-01 Chancellor
IDA 242 UCI Senate Policy Student Discipline, Academic Honesty - Amendment Student Issues 1998-02-16 Chancellor
IDA 457 UCI Senate Policy • Redelegation - Student Discipline, Academic Honesty [Arts] Student Issues 2008-05-28 Dean
IDA 245 UCI Senate Policy • Redelegation - Student Discipline, Academic Honesty [Biological Sciences] Student Issues 1998-02-11 Dean
IDA 249 UCI Senate Policy • Redelegation - Student Discipline, Academic Honesty [Engineering] Student Issues 1998-03-25 Dean
IDA 243 UCI Senate Policy • Redelegation - Student Discipline, Academic Honesty [Humanities] Student Issues 1998-01-29 Dean
IDA 264 UCI Senate Policy • Redelegation - Student Discipline, Academic Honesty [Information & Computer Science] Student Issues 1998-08-05 Chair ICS
IDA 225 UCI Senate Policy • Redelegation - Student Discipline [Medicine] Student Issues 1997-06-05 Chancellor
IDA 246 UCI Senate Policy • Redelegation - Student Discipline, Academic Honesty [Physical Sciences] Student Issues 1997-02-18 Dean
IDA 241 UCI Senate Policy • Redelegation - Student Discipline, Academic Honesty [Social Sciences] Student Issues 1998-01-29 Dean
IDA 244 UCI Senate Policy • Redelegation - Student Discipline, Academic Honesty [Undergraduate Education] Student Issues 1998-01-30 Dean
IDA 095 UCI Senate Policy Student Discipline, Non-Academic Matters Student Issues 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 098 UC Policy Student Government Associations' Business/Financial Operations Student Issues 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 096 Student Loan Funds Student Issues 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 092 UC Policy Student Requests for Non-University Speakers Student Issues 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 132 UC Policy Undergraduate Admissions by Exception Student Issues 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 091 UC Policy Use of University Properties Student Issues 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 632 BFB G-28 Approval of Exceptions/Additional Approvals to Travel and Business Meeting and Entertainment Expense Policies Travel, Business Meetings, and Entertainment 2024-05-24 Chancellor
IDA 107 BFB G-28 Private Aircraft Travel, Business Meetings, and Entertainment 1994-04-02 Chancellor
IDA 076 BFB G-28 Subsistence Expenses, Direct Billing Travel, Business Meetings, and Entertainment 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 084 A-000-7 Travel Advances and Expenses Travel, Business Meetings, and Entertainment 1994-04-02 Chancellor
IDA 072 BFB BUS-46 Use of University Vehicles Travel, Business Meetings, and Entertainment 1995-07-21 Chancellor
IDA 392 BFB BUS-46 • Redelegation - Permit Use of University Vehicles [Chancellor's Office] Travel, Business Meetings, and Entertainment 2004-11-09 Chancellor
IDA 639 DA 0916 Authority to Execute Affiliation Agreements and Health Related Program Agreements for the Student Health Center and Intercollegiate Athletics
Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2023-12-04 Chancellor
IDA 640 DA 1058 Service Agreements
Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2023-10-19 Chancellor
IDA 641 DA 1058 • Redelegation - Work-Study Contracts Program Agreements [Student Services] Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2023-10-13 CFO/VC DFA
IDA 649

DA 1058

Execution of Service Agreements  Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2024-07-22 Pres/CEO, UCI Health

IDA 650

Pilot for Accepting Equity in a Technology Licensing Transaction

• Redelegation - Authority to Accept Equity in a Technology Licensing Transaction Agreements, Leases, and Licenses 2024-08-09 Chancellor