
Note: During UCI's response to the COVID-19 pandemic UCI executive directives and other advisories can be found on: UCI's Coronavirus Information Hub website. Some executive directives and advisories may take precedence over administrative policies, procedures, and guidelines on the Administrative Policies & Procedures website, or portions of them. If you have policy questions, please email ucipolicy@uci.edu.

July 2023

Rescinded Policies

Presidential Policies

  • Presidential Policy on Sustainable Practices underwent a systemwide review for revisions. Revisions include adding the new Climate Action and Anti-Racism, Diversity Equity and Inclusion and other edits to clarify intent and improve readability.
  • Presidential Policy on Developing and Maintaining Presidential Policies (Policy on Policies) underwent a systemwide review for revisions. Revisions include updating the title, scope, summary, and definitions for terms frequently used; adding additional requirements; adding responsibilities for the Policy Action Committee, Division Leader, Stakeholders and Required Reviewers; revision procedures and technical changes for readability and clarity.

June 2023

Presidential Policies

  • Presidential Delegation of Authority DA2654- Revolving Fund Withdrawals was updated to replace DA2584.  This delegation from the President of the University of California to the Chancellor at UCI gives the authority to designate representatives of the University who sign checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money or initiate electronic transfers of funds, provided that all such representatives are covered by fidelity bond.

May 2023

Rescinded Policies

Presidential Policies

April 2023

March 2023

Presidential Policies

February 2023

  • 715-22 Guidelines on Use of University Vehicles underwent technical revisions to clarify procedures and update links and titles
  • 900-33 Unmanned Aircraft Systems/Drone Procedures underwent technical revisions to clarify procedures, update definitions and update links and titles

Rescinded Policies

  • 905-10 Police-General Procedures was rescinded because all pertinent and updated information can be found on the UCI Police Department web page.

Presidential Policies

January 2023

Rescinded Policies

Presidential Policies

  • UC Policy on Anti-Discrimination underwent a systemwide review. Revisions aim to address the University's policies and procedures for responding to complaints of all forms of discrimination and harassment based on protected categories, including discrimination, harassment, and retaliation that applies to all staff, faculty and academic appointees, and students.

December 2022

Sec. 710-10 Internal Audit Policy underwent technical revisions to clarify procedures and update links and titles

Sec. 710-11 External Audit Policy underwent technical revisions to clarify procedures and update links and titles

Sec. 905-30 Emergency Management Policy underwent technical revisions to update outdated definitions.

Office of the President

G-28 travel regulations underwent revisions to increase the maximum M&IE rate to $79 per day for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 based on the information published by the US General Services Administration.

BUS- 79 Expenditures for Business Meeting, Entertainment, and Other Occasions underwent revisions to increase in the maximum meal rates for entertainment, business meetings, and other occasions for the Fiscal year 2022-23 by 10%. This increase is in response to a 40-year high inflation rate and soaring food prices. In addition, the maximum per-person rate for meals and light refreshments includes only the cost of food and beverages for the donor and recruitment related events hosted by the President and the Chancellors. For all other events, the total cost of labor, sales tax, delivery fees or other services fee will continue to be included in the calculation of the maximum per-person rates for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and light refreshments.

Policy on Abusive Conduct in the Workplace underwent revisions in response to the request of the President,  with support from The Regents of the University of California, to develop a Presidential Policy on Abusive Conduct in the Workplace with equal applicability to faculty, staff, and student employees.

PPSM-2.210 Absence from Work underwent revisions to increase the pay calculation for Pay for Family Care and Bonding (PFCB) from 70 percent to 100 percent of an employee’s eligible earnings. This increase is effective January 1, 2023.

PPSM-20 Recruitment and Promotion underwent a “required by law” review to further support the University’s commitment to pay equity and to align with California Senate Bill 1162 (SB-1162). Technical edits also include adding subsections to Section III.A and editing the use of the terms “applicant” and “candidate” for increased clarity. 

PPSM-30 Compensation underwent a “required by law” review to further support the University’s commitment to pay equity and to align with California Senate Bill 1162 (SB-1162) and added new Section III.B.1.d (Access to Salary Range Information).

November 2022

Sec. 701-19 Payroll Certification System Guidelines for Federally Sponsored Projects underwent technical revisions to clarify procedures and update links and titles

October 2022

Sec. 905-20 Driver Safety & Driving Records- DMV Pull Notice underwent technical revisions to clarify procedures and update links and titles

Sec. 715-16: Moving and Relocation Guidelines underwent technical revisions to clarify procedures and update links and titles

September 2022

Sec. 905-50 Clery Act Compliance procedures  underwent technical revisions to clarify procedures and definitions to match the UCOP Interim Policy and update links and titles.

August 2022

Office of the President

New UC Research Data Policy- was issued July 15, 2022 and is posted at http://policy.ucop.edu/. The intent of this new Presidential Policy is to clarify the ownership of and responsibility for research data generated during the course of University research, encourage active data management and sharing practices, and provide guidance with respect to procedures when a University researcher leaves the University. Ownership of Research Data by the Regents of the University of California is a long-standing precept originally articulated in Section 020 of the Academic Personnel Manual (APM-020), or Regulation 4. Specifically, APM-020 Part II. Sec. 5 states that “Notebooks and other original records of the research are the property of the University.”

Regents Policy 5309 University of California Employee Housing Assistance Program- underwent technical review and revisions to the title of this document was updated from Implementation Guidelines to Program Requirements per the recommendation of the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC).  In addition, the technical changes do not result in a material change to the Housing Programs, with the exception of the addition of the Zero Interest Supplemental Home Loan Program (ZIP Loan). This program addition was approved by the Regents in January 2022. The ZIP Loan provides an alternate housing assistance option to help support the recruitment and retention of eligible faculty and Senior Management Group (SMGs). Revisions also include updates to the general loan parameters and other administrative changes for clarity and consistency.
Policy on Vaccination Programs with Interim Amendments- underwent revisions to include a consolidation of all existing vaccination requirements other than the Student Immunization Policy, updated language consistent with current public health usage, and extended definition of Covered Non-Affiliate to include K-12 students and children enrolled in day care programs and camps sponsored by the University or operated at a University Facility or Location; as well as individuals enrolled in UC extension programs, continuing education, lifelong learning, seminars, workshops, and other non degree-granting educational programs, professional development, and/or recreational programs.
IS-5 Licensing and Operations of University Radio, Television and Microwaveunderwent technical revisions to include the newest policy template, corrected grammar and verbs to match policy language, added the functional e-mail address for the Coordinator: uc_fcc_licenses@ucop.edu, The requirement to print a copy of the FCC regulation was deleted - it is online and readily available at https://www.ecfr.gov/ and terms, role names and organization names were updated to reflect current conventions.

July 2022

Office of the President
Clery Act Policy - Campus Safety and Security Reporting was issued with interim status to comply with the US Department of Education’s requirements and will undergo a full systemwide review in the Fall of 2022. The changes in the interim Policy conform with the formal text of the Clery Act and the Department of Education’s recent directives and enforcement cases.  The changes include removal of the language regarding categorical exemption of all CARE Advocates, Ombuds, and all other confidential campus offices as Campus Security Authority (CSA), and a clarification that employees with responsibilities, within the scope of their license, as professional or pastoral counselors are not CSAs for the purposes of this Policy.

June 2022

905-30: Emergency Management Policy underwent technical revisions to clarify procedures and update links and titles.
701-20: Business Meetings and Entertainment Guidelines underwent technical revisions to update the maximum per-person rates for meals and light refreshments include taxes and service, consistent with University of California – Policy BUS 79.j
Removed Sec 480-20: Guidelines for Compliance with Export Control Regulations UCI is rescinding Section 480-20: Guidelines for Compliance with Export Control Regulations due to the evolving export control regulatory environment. Effective immediately, the University of California Policy on Export Control will replace Section 480-20. 
Office of the President
BFB-A-47 Direct Costing Procedures underwent a technical revision to reflect current federal policy (Uniform Guidance) requirements and institutional practices. Revisions include: changes in Cost Allocation Services (CAS) policy regarding refunds, rebates on P-card purchases and updated language for recharges; changes to the definition of Applicable Credits; and removal of Appendix I.

May 2022

Sec. 903-10: Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Policy underwent technical revisions to clarify procedures and update links, titles, and programs.

April 2022

Sec 904-13: Guidelines for Vehicles Other Than Automobiles underwent technical revisions to update the UCI Fire Marshal email address and Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S)’s website link.
Office of the President
Technical revisions were made to various Academic Personnel Manual (APM) Sections to update references to Regental governing documents.
UC Policy BUS 79 Expenditures for Business Meetings, Entertainment, and Other Occasions underwent technical revisions include the following major changes:

  • The meal rate increase effective November 1, 2021 is reflected in Appendix A, page 24.
  • Entertainment events held by the President or Chancellors are subject to reimbursement of expenses up to 200% of the listed meal rate limits without requiring additional approval effective January 1, 2022. These events can include donor cultivation or stewardship, recruitment and/or retention. Note, this special rule would not include events for internal senior leadership or for other non-donor related events, all which are still subject to existing approval requirement.

UC Policy Part-Time Study in the University of California underwent technical revisions, which included: reformatting into the standard Policy template, updated names of student fees, updated Responsible Office and Office titles, updated to reflect the replacement of the 1979 Policy on Part-Time Off-Campus Professional Graduate Degree Programs with the Policy on Self-Supporting Graduate Degree Programs, and a reference to a letter dated July 30, 2021 from the President on the application of the policy to Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition.

March 2022

Sec. 701-22: Recharge Facility and Activity Review and Approval Policy was issued as a final policy after the conclusion of the six-month comment period for the interim policy.
Sec. 701-23: Sales and Service Activities Policy was issued as a final policy after the conclusion of the six-month comment period for the interim policy.
Sec. 715-01: Policy on Travel Authorization and Approval underwent a technical revision to align with IDA 632.
Sec. 710-10: Internal Audit Policy underwent a technical revision to update links and roles.
Sec. 710-11: External Audit Policy underwent a technical revision to update links and roles.
Office of the President
UC Policy Sustainable Practices underwent a systemwide review. Revisions include: updating the targets and additional requirements for the Green Building Design, Climate Protection, Sustainable Transportation, Sustainable Water Systems, and Sustainability at UC Health sections of the policy; a new Health and Well-Being section was added; and a number of minor revisions were made to clarify the intent and improve the readability of the policy.
UC Policy Classification of Gifts and Sponsored underwent a systemwide review.  Revisions include: improved descriptions of the policy scope; further development of the weighted classification criteria that are now grouped into two categories - Determinative and General Indicators; two new FAQs entries; and added clarity to the Checklist to help campuses more easily determine proper classification of research awards as either gifts or sponsored awards.
G-28 Travel Regulations underwent a technical revision to reflect an increase in the University’s mileage reimbursement rates for expenses incurred in connection with the business use of a private automobile  in accordance with published Internal Revenue Service standard mileage rates.

February 2022 Sec. 700-32: Health Sciences Affiliation Agreements and Health Sciences Programs Approval Procedures was updated to align with IDA 634.Sec. 501-05: Emotional Support Animals in Housing Policy was issued after revisions to the interim policy were made at the end of the six-month comment period.  The policy explains the specific requirements that apply to an individual’s use of an emotional support animal in UCI Housing.


Sec. 704-10 Campus Cashiering Procedures for Handling Cash and Cash Equivalents was updated to reflect current procedures.New UCI Procedures - Sec. 704-15 Non-Student Accounts Receivable Management Procedures were issued related to non-student accounts receivable including reimbursements due from state and federal sponsors of military and veterans accounts, third party student sponsors, sundry debtors, financial aid over awards for non-active students, sales and services agreements and all other miscellaneous campus receivables.  These procedures replaced Sec. 701-07: Collection of Accounts Receivable Procedure, Sec. 701-14: Procedure for Accounts Receivable - University Invoice, and/or Sec. 701-16: Departmental Billing Procedure.


New UCI Procedures - Sec. 704-16 Student Accounts Receivable Management Procedures were issued related to student accounts receivable including reimbursements due from state and federal sponsors, tuition, fees, and various other receivables. These procedures replaced Sec. 701-07: Collection of Accounts Receivable Procedure, Sec. 701-14: Procedure for Accounts Receivable - University Invoice, and/or Sec. 701-16: Departmental Billing Procedure.


New UCI Procedures - Sec. 704-17 Write Off and Allowance Procedures for Uncollectible Accounts were issued related to instances in which a receivable account is deemed uncollectible when it remains unpaid after the University has taken all adequate and reasonable efforts to collect an amount due. These procedures replaced Sec. 701-07: Collection of Accounts Receivable Procedure, Sec. 701-14: Procedure for Accounts Receivable - University Invoice, and/or Sec. 701-16: Departmental Billing Procedure.

January 2022

Sec. 903-29: Drug and Alcohol Testing of Transportation Employees Policy underwent a technical change to update the contact information.

December 2021 Sec. 700-40: Policy on Credit and Debit Card Acceptance and Security was renamed Sec. 704-14: Policy on Credit and Debit Card Acceptance and Security and moved from the category of General Administration to Financial Services under Business and Financial Affairs. No changes were made to the policy content.The following policies have been rescinded:

  • Sec. 701-07: Collection of Accounts Receivable Procedure - REVISED PROCEDURE COMING SOON
  • Sec. 701-14: Procedure for Accounts Receivable - University Invoice - REVISED PROCEDURE COMING SOON
  • Sec. 701-16: Departmental Billing Procedure - REVISED PROCEDURE COMING SOON

Office of the PresidentUC Policy - Fee Policy for Graduate Student In Absentia RegistrationUC Policy - Disclosure of Financial Interests & Management of Conflicts of Interest, Public Health Service Research AwardsInterim UC Policy - UC Health Participation in Activities under the End of Life Option ActInterim UC Policy - Sexual Violence and Sexual HarassmentUC Policy - PPSM 2.210: Absence from WorkUC Policy - PACAOS-Appendix-E: Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Student Investigation and Adjudication Framework for Non-DOE-Covered ConductUC Policy - Native American Cultural Affiliation and RepatriationInterim UC Policy - Interim PACAOS-Appendix-F: Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Student Investigation and Adjudication Framework for DOE-Covered ConductUC Policy - BFB-G-41 Employee Non-Cash Awards and Other Gifts

November 2021 Sec. 715-01: Policy on Travel Authorization and Approval was revised to bring the policy into compliance with recent revisions of UC Policy G-28: Travel Regulation.

October 2021 Sec. 905-50: Clery Act Compliance Procedures were revised to: clarify the definitions for Campus Security Authority (CSA) and Clery Geography; add detailed steps under "Procedures"; and update the links under "References/Resources".

September 2021 Office of the PresidentNew UC Policy - Interim Policy on Affiliations with Certain Healthcare Organizations was issued to establish standards for affiliation with healthcare organizations that protect and advance the University’s values, as well as its commitment to inclusion, diversity, equity, and accountability and ensure such Affiliations do not compromise the University’s commitment to evidence-based care for all patients.

August 2021 Office of the PresidentUC Policy - Establishing and Maintaining Presidential Policies (Policy on Policies) underwent technical revisions in order for Section II, "Definitions" and Section V, "Procedures" to read more clearly. Revisions include: updating embedded links, re-locating policy text for readability and clarity, and using defined terms consistently.

July 2021 Office of the PresidentNew UC Policy - SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Vaccination Program Policy was issued July 15, 2021 to maintain the health and well-being of the campus community and that of the general public. The policy requires COVID-19 vaccination for all individuals learning, working and living at UC locations this fall, and participating in person in UC programs with activities that occur off-site (such as UC athletics programs and study abroad), with limited exceptions, accommodations, and deferrals.

June 2021 Sec. 900-17: Guidelines on Display of National and State Flags were revised to specify that they apply only to UCI's official flagpoles.Office of the PresidentUC Policy - BFB-IS-12 IT Recovery was revised to comply with academic research and grant requirements, conform to cyber insurance underwriting and to the Office of Civil Rights guidance on HIPAA compliance, adapt to changes in security landscape (ransomware and wipers), adopt a standards-based approach to IT Recovery, and the policy name was changed from “Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery” to “IT Recovery.”UC Policy - PPSM 2.210: Absence from Work Policy was updated to include new language to implement the new UC pay option for Family and Medical Leaves, Pay for Family Care and Bonding (PFCB).UC Policy - BFB-BUS-43 Purchases of Goods and Services; Supply Chain Management revised effective March 1, 2021 to include the Small Business First policy.

May 2021 Office of the PresidentUC Policy - Smoke and Tobacco Free Environment Policy has undergone technical revisions inlcuding revising the definition of “marijuana” to reflect the change put forth by the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018 (commonly known as the 2018 Farm Bill) and the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) subsequent implementation of the Act.

March 2021 Office of the PresidentUC Policy - Seismic Safety Policy was revised to address issues related to analyzing and addressing seismic risk in buildings UC owns, leases, and acquires.The following UC Policies underwent technical reviews:

February 2021 Sec. 800-20: ZotMail Guidelines were revised to clarify the permitted uses for Zotmail.Sec. 904-10: Parking Definitions, Laws, and Enforcement was revised to align with ADA-accessible parking placard requirements.Office of the PresidentUC Policy - Copyright Ownership was revised to: Expand eligibility to own copyrights; Expand and clarify the pool of works eligible for copyright ownership (including software); Create a definition for “Significant University Resources” as a limitation on the University’s ownership; Clarify copyright ownership for Graduate Students; and Clarify the application of this policy for Represented (Union) Employees.

January 2021 Office of the PresidentThe following UC Policies underwent technical reviews:

November 2020 Sec. 720-10: Information from Public Records (California Public Records Act) - Guidelines underwent technical edits to update Public Records Office fax number.Sec. 720-11: Privacy of and Access to Information (Excluding Student Records) - Guidelines underwent technical edits to update Public Records Office fax number.Office of the PresidentNew UC Policy - Gender Recognition and Lived Names Policy was issued to ensure that all University-issued identification documents display personal identification information that recognizes individual’s accurate gender identity and lived name.UC Policy - Protection of Human Subjects in Research Policy has undergone a revisions to include adding: a new definition section; an explanation of the ethical principles that the University follows for Human Subjects Research; a statement that the University’s commitment to Human Subjects applies to all Human Subjects Research in which the University is engaged, regardless of funding source or the institution that provided the IRB review; an explanation that campuses may replace specific Common Rule requirements with commensurate protections for Human Subjects when the University is engaged in research that is not subject to the Common Rule (for example, research that is not federally-funded or otherwise subject to federal oversight); and a description of the responsibilities of the campuses, IRBs, other oversight offices and committees, and researchers for compliance with this Policy.New UC Policy - Interim UC Health Use of Externally Supplied Medications in UC Outpatient and Clinic Settings Policy was issued to mitigate against the potential risks to patient safety, and the associated product liability risk to the University, associated with commercial health plan practices that attempt to require health care providers to accept medications procured from an external pharmacy.UC Policy - BFB-A-61 Unrelated Business Income and Expenses underwent technical edits and updates.Rescinded UC Policy - BFB-IS-7 Maintenance of the University Payroll System was rescinded having been identified as obsolete and not needed.The relevant information outlined in IS-7 was incorporated into IS-3: Electronic Information Security Policy, which covers UC Path.

October 2020 Sec. 700-16: Policy on Conflicts of Interest Created By Consensual Relationships underwent technical edits to replace gender specific pronouns with gender neutral pronouns.

September 2020 Office of the PresidentUC Policy - Self-Supporting Graduate Professional Degree Programs Policy underwent technical edits to include a more appropriate timeline for the submittal and review of proposed student charges.UC Policy - Anatomical Donations Program and Anatomical Materials Policy underwent technical edits to: update pronouns, titles, credentials, and the policy title; clarify committee memberships; reference additional guidance; replace the appendices with the most current versions of those documents; and add one clarifying statement to address the appropriateness of facilities where anatomical materials are used.

August 2020 Sec. 700-32: Health Sciences Affiliation Agreements and Health Sciences Programs Approval Procedures was revised to reflect the revised Irvine delegation of authority, IDA623, and new redelgation, IDA624.Sec. 700-17: Guidelines on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment were revised to reference the interim Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy.Sec. 700-18: Guidelines on Discrimination and Harassment were revised to reference the interim Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy.Office of the PresidentUC Policy - Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment - Interim Policy was issued to comply with Title IX regulations issued by the U.S. Department of Education in May 2020 that went into effect August 14, 2020. Associated investigation and adjudication frameworks were also revised effective August 14, 2020.

July 2020 Sec. 701-23: Sales and Service Activities Interim Policy was issued. The policy: supersedes Sec. 703-14: Sales and Services Income Guidelines; and specifies the requirements and the procedures for requesting, reviewing, and approving Sales & Services Activities between the UCI campus and non-University entities. Comments about the policy are invited by email, to ucipolicy@uci.edu, until December 16, 2020.Sec. 701-22: Recharge Facility and Activity Review and Approval Interim Policy was issued. The policy supersedes Sec. 703-13: Recharge Accounts and Rate Review Procedures and outlines the process and requirements for establishing and approving Official Recharge Activities, and for annual review and approval of rates that Official Recharge Facilities charge. Comments about the policy are invited by email, to ucipolicy@uci.edu, until December 16, 2020.Office of the PresidentUC Policy - Sustainable Practices is annually reviewed by the systemwide Sustainability Steering Committee (SSC) for required updates and revisions. Revisions include updating the targets and adding additional requirements to Climate Protection, Zero Waste, UC Health, and Sustainable Food Services sections, and adding a new General Sustainability Performance Assessment section.UC Policy - Native American Cultural Affiliation and Repatriation - Interim Policy, previously called the Policy on Curation and Repatriation of Human Remains and Cultural Items, describes the University’s principles and policies regarding the cultural affiliation, repatriation, and stewardship of Native American and Native Hawaiian human remains and cultural items currently held on UC campuses. The policy was completely rewritten in collaboration with the Cultural Affiliation and Repatriation Policy Advisory Workgroup, a Workgroup comprised of four UC Academic Senate members nominated by the Academic Senate and four tribal members nominated by the President’s Native American Advisory Council.UC Policy - BFB-G-28: Travel Regulations, went through a systemwide review. Revisions include incorporating the recommendations from Internal Audit regarding business and first class travel and required documentation of the business purpose for the travel expenses reimbursed by the University; addition of sustainable travel suggestions; gender-neutral references; IRS business mileage rate effective 1/1/20, and clarification on what is included in foreign per diems. In addition, policy language on fund source restriction for reimbursement of dependent travel and dependent care expenses while on travel status was changed to permit an allowable fund source.

June 2020 Office of the PresidentUC Guidance - Guidelines for Academic and Staff Affirmative Action Compliance Programs for Minorities and Women, Individuals with Disabilities, and Protected Veterans was updated for legal and regulatory requirements prescribed under Executive Order 11246, as amended; Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (Section 503); and the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended (VEVRAA).

May 2020 Sec. 706-14: Procedure for Property Requiring Special Handling was revised to update the procedures for borrowing privately owned equipment and to add Part D. Inventorial Equipment - Exceptions.Sec. 800-20: ZotMail Guidelines were revised to delete the provision that only some authorized senders have the ability to send messages during the day.Personnel Procedures for UC Irvine Staff Members

  • Procedure 22 - Probationary Period was revised and updated.
  • Procedure 61 - Release During the Probationary Period or From Limited, Casual/Restricted, and Floater Appointments was deleted.

Office of the PresidentAccounting Manual Chapter: G-327-66 Gifts—Recording of Pledges was rescinded. The updated procedure will be moved into the internal SharePoint site that is accessible by anyone with a University of California email address.

April 2020 Office of the PresidentThe following UC Policies and Guidelines underwent technical reviews:

March 2020 Sec. 700-18: Guidelines on Discrimination and Harassment were revised update information and better align UCI's guidelines with the systemwide Discrimination, Harassment and Affirmative Action in the Workplace Policy.Office of the PresidentNew UC Policy - Policy on Open Access for Theses and Dissertations was developed and issued in response to a March 2016 request from the Systemwide Library and Scholarly Information Advisory Committee, which advises on academic copyrightrelated matters, systemwide library policies, and strategies to facilitate the transmission of scholarly communications in a digital environment. This policy applies to all graduate students who prepare theses or dissertations in a graduate degree program within the University of California system.The following UC Policies underwent technical edits:

February 2020 Sec. 700-17: Guidelines on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment were revised comprehensively to better align UCI's guidelines with the systemwide Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy.

January 2020 Sec. 420-10: Policy for Student International Activities was issued after revisions to the interim policy were made at the end of the six-month comment period. The revisions specified that the policy also applies to programs offered by Registered Campus Organizations; clarified that the extent of student international activities oversight depends on the type of student and the type of international activity, for example: the guidelines will be different for an undergraduate student group than for a graduate student conducting independent research; and clarified that while all participants in student international activities offered by independent program providers are covered by the policy, the administration of the programs offered by independent program providers is not covered by the policy.Sec. 420-11: Procedures for Student International Activities were issued after revisions to the interim policy were made at the end of the six-month comment period. The revisions clarified that UCI sponsoring units should consult with the Study Abroad Center when planning a student international activity and should begin doing so at least six months prior to the beginning of the activity.Sec. 800-20: ZotMail Guidelines was revised to reflect that the ZotMail system is used to communicate with students now that the Student Electronic Broadcast System has been decommissioned.

December 2019 Sec. 800-18: Security Guidelines for Computers and Devices Connected to UCInet has been revised to delete some out-of-date information and update terminology.Office of the PresidentUC Policy - BFB-BUS-43 Purchases of Goods and Services; Supply Chain Management underwent a technical review to replace the inaccurate information found in Section III, Part 6, D, 6: Retention of Documentation. The inaccurate information has been replaced with the standard policy language on Records Retention Schedule Information.UC Policy - P-196-13 Payroll: Attendance, Time Reporting and Leave Accrual Records Policy underwent a minor technical revision to avoid confusion over the term “vacation lost” on page 4 in section III.C Leave Accrual. The term “vacation lost” was replaced with “vacation not accrued.”

November 2019 Sec. 701-21: Updating Vendor Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) Information has been revised to specify where vendors can obtain the ACH form.Sec. 700-17: Guidelines for Reporting and Responding to Reports of Sex Offenses and Sec. 700-18: Guidelines for Reporting and Responding to Reports of Discrimination and Harassment have been removed pending revision and alignment with the updated UC Adjudication models.Office of the PresidentThe following UC Policy was rescinded:

  • Accounting Manual: Payroll P-196-25: Employee Death Payments. After its technical review, it was determined that P-196-25 is a procedure and not a policy. It is mainly referenced and used by the campus payroll offices and UC Path center, Benefits offices and the RASC; thus, it has been removed from the policy website. The updated procedure will be available in the internal SharePoint site that is accessible by anyone with a UC email address.

October 2019 Office of the PresidentUC Policy - BFB-IS-3: Electronic Information Security went through technical review to correct small technical errors including: removing duplicative words; fixing the numbering; and consistent use/clarification of terms related to “portable media”, “portable computing device”, and “electronic media”.New UC Policy - Responding to Immigration Enforcement Issues Involving Patients in UC Health Facilities - Interim Policy has been issued to establish a systemwide/central policy adopting the California Attorney General’s model policies for limiting assistance with immigration enforcement at health facilities while maintaining flexibility for the individual medical centers to implement practices consistent with local conditions. The Policy is also consistent with and supports the University of California Statement of Principles in Support of Undocumented Members of the UC Community. The Statement of Principles states that University medical centers treat all patients who require our services without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, citizenship, or other protected characteristics.

September 2019 Sec. 701-21: Updating Vendor Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) Information has been revised to specify that vendors can no longer setup ACH payments by providing documentation and forms via email. The revised policy on ACH payments establishes a more rigorous procedure for setting up or changing electronic payments that requires vendors to physically come to the Accounting Office and present official ID. Sec. 501-05: Emotional Support Animals in Housing Interim Policy has been issued. The Policy: explains the specific requirements that apply to an individual’s use of an Emotional Support Animal in UCI Housing; applies solely to Emotional Support Animals that may be necessary in UCI Housing; stipulates that the approval to have an Emotional Support Animal in UCI Housing does not extend to other UCI locations; includes procedures to request an Emotional Support Animal in UCI Housing; and does not apply to Service Animals. Comments about the Policy are invited by email, to ucipolicy@uci.edu, until March 18, 2020. Sec. 900-23: UCI Guidance Concerning Disruption of University Activities was issued, replacing the UCI Interim Guidance. The campus received comments on the UCI Interim Guidance from the public between December 2018 and June 2019. The Free Speech Task Force carefully reviewed and thoroughly discussed all of the feedback received during the comment period and modified the interim Guidance accordingly. The final Guidance interprets the term “disruption” in Section 102.13 of the University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations and Students and in similar contexts; details how the UCI community can prevent and will respond to disruptions of University activities in real time; and details the potential consequences for disrupting University activities. Sec. 680-10: Policy on Gifts and Endowments has been updated to reflect the recently issued IDA619, which superseded IDA588 and was required due to the changes made in the recently issued governing Presidential delegation of authority, DA2631.Office of the PresidentUC Policy - BFB-RMP-7: Protection of Administrative Records Containing Personally Identifiable Information has been revised to consolidate three existing policies into one: RMP-7, “Privacy of and Access to Information Responsibilities;” RMP-11, “Student Applicant Records;” and RMP-12, “Guidelines for Assuring Privacy of Personal Information in Mailing Lists and Telephone Directories.” The revised policy revision was undertaken to eliminate policies that are no longer needed; clarify the roles of Privacy Officials, Records Management Coordinators, and Information Practices Coordinators; and align the policy with the UC Statement of Privacy Values. The revision also aligns RMP-7 with the newly revised IS-3, “Electronic Information Security Policy.” IS-3 covers all electronic information that needs to be secured, while RMP-7 covers any administrative record that contains personally identifiable information, regardless of whether the record is on paper or electronic or other media. RMP-11 and RMP-12 have been rescinded by the issuance of this revised RMP-7.UC Policy - P-196-13 Payroll: Attendance, Time Reporting and Leave Accrual Records Policy went through technical review to remove obsolete terminology and reformat it into the new policy template. The revised policy was also updated to reflect the new requirement of the federal government, that vacation leave charges be allocated equitably to all fund sources, and that such charges be given the same cost accounting treatment regardless of fund source.UC Guidance - Guidelines on Emerita/Emeritus Title Suffix for Non-Academic Senior Management Group (SMG) Personnel has been revised to update Section B. Criteria for compliance with Regents Policy 1203. The web and document links and office titles were also updated.

July 2019 Sec. 420-10: Interim Policy for Student International Activities was issued. The interim policy covers Student International Activities that take place anywhere outside of the geographic borders of the United States, addresses risk management for International Activities involving UCI Students, and details the authorities and responsibilities of UCI entities and affiliates. Sec. 420-11: Interim Procedures for Student International Activities were issued to specify how to comply with the interim policy.Office of the PresidentUC Policy - BFB-G-28: Travel Regulations has been revised to delegate to the Chancellor or other University official authority to reimburse, in limited circumstances, spouse/domestic partner, dependent-care provider, and dependent travel expense or dependent-care expenses related to employee’s or employment candidate’s University travel.UC Policy - Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy has been revised to include changes required by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in its February 2018 resolution agreement with UC Berkeley, and additions recommended by the California State Auditor (CSA) in its June 2018 report. Key revisions include: A fuller explanation of what the policy covers, such as acts committed by and against third parties, and of how the Title IX offices evaluate reports to decide whether to initiate a resolution process; Changes to definitions of prohibited conduct, including sexual assault, relationship violence, and retaliation; A more detailed description of the informal (Alternative Resolution) process, and parties’ rights in that process; Addition of a 30- to 60-day timeframe for Alternative Resolution, and extension of the timeframe for the Formal Investigation process from 60 days to 90 days; Provision for the Title IX officer to initiate investigations under certain circumstances despite the absence of an identifiable, individual respondent or, alternatively, the lack of a specific complainant; and Changes to improve clarity and readability. In addition some of the adjudication frameworks were revised.The following UC Policies underwent technical changes:

May 2019 Sec. 701-21: Updating Vendor Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) Information has been issued to minimize the risk that criminals can fraudulently redirect UCI's electronic funds transfers to vendors to a bank account under their control.Office of the PresidentUC Policy - PPSM-63: Investigatory Leave has been revised to clarify the responsibilities of both the employee and University during the investigatory leave process. It has been reformatted with the addition of two new sections: Section III.B - Circumstances When Investigatory Leave May Be Warranted and Section III.C - Written Notice. Additional revisions include updating the investigatory leave action list and providing language and references to intersecting University policies such as Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment and Discrimination, Harassment, and Affirmative Action in the Workplace.

April 2019 Office of the PresidentThe following UC Policy was rescinded:

March 2019 Sec. 900-01: Free Speech at UCI Interim Policy has been issued to provide a context in which to understand and ensure free speech at UCI and to form the basis for applying other speech-related policies. Comments about the Policy are invited by email, to ucipolicy@uci.edu, until September 6, 2019.Office of the PresidentUC Policy - BFB-BUS-10: Principles of Accountability with Respect to Financial Transactions is the codification of UCOP Financial Policy previously posted on the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Division website into a new systemwide Business and Finance Bulletin. It has been rewritten to broadly address principles of financial stewardship and follow the 2013 Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) 2013 Internal Control-Integrated Framework.The following UC Policies went through technical revisions including updating the web and document links, office titles and typographical amendments:

UC Policy - Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students (PACAOS): interim Appendix E: Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Student Adjudication Framework has been issued with interim revisions that include: General revisions and clarifications to the policy (e.g., addition of references between the policy and the corresponding sections of the Student Adjudication Model – Process Flow Chart); Clarification that campuses may apply Appendix E procedures to resolve reports of other student conduct violations that occur in connection with violations of the SVSH Policy; Clarifications to the Notice of Charges; Clarifications on the types of evidence the investigator may consider or exclude; Description of the opportunity, for both Complainant and Respondent, to review and respond to the information the investigator has deemed relevant before the investigator concludes the fact-finding; Description of the opportunity, for the Complainant and/or Respondent, to meet with the Student Conduct office, to respond to the Title IX report and recommendations; Clarifications to the Appeal Process; Revisions to the Flowchart that reflect revisions to the framework process; Process timeline revised to 135 days, versus 120 days, to allow additional time for broader hearings; and Addition of V.B.1 – Opportunity to Appeal for “Suspension/Dismissal Cases” with broader evidentiary appeal hearing.

February 2019 Office of the PresidentUC Policy - BFB-G-28 Travel Regulations have undergone technical updates in accordance with IRS Notice 2019-20 (effective January 1, 2019): Mileage reimbursement rate for private vehicles and vehicles loaned to the University for assignment to employees has increased from 54.5 cents per mile to 58 cents per mile; and Mileage reimbursement rate for driving an automobile in connection with a move or relocation has increased from 18 cents a mile to 20 cents a mile.UC Policy - BFB-G-41 Employee Non-Cash Awards and Other Gifts has undergone technical review (effective January 1, 2019) to reflect the change in the pre-tax monthly parking pass or transit pass limit provided as an employee achievement award from $260 to $265 per month.

January 2019 Sec. 715-01: Policy on Travel Authorization and Approval has been revised to better reflect BFB G-28: Travel Regulations, state UCI policy on Ancillary Charges, and specify and link to UCI resources. Sec. 700-31: Procedures for International Academic MOUs and Agreements has been revised to reflect the updated Irvine delegation of authority, IDA612. Sec. 700-30: Policy on International Academic MOUs and Agreements has been revised to link to the updated Irvine delegation of authority, IDA612.Sec. 700-40: Policy on Credit and Debit Card Acceptance and Security has been revised to clarify: that the policy applies to credit card processing at UCI including UCI Merchants, Service Providers, and Third Party Merchants; and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) processes and requirements.Sec. 900-15: UCI Major Events Policy became effective on January 7, 2019. The campus received comments from the public between June 29 and November 30, 2018, after the UCI Major Events Interim Policy was announced to the UCI community. A team of experts from Student Affairs, Strategic Communications, UCIPD, Chancellor’s Office, Facilities, Administrative Policies, Campus Counsel, the UC National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement and the UCI School of Law reviewed the comments and revised the interim policy. The policy has enabled - and will continue to enable - sponsors to plan and host successful events on campus while ensuring the safety and security of the UCI community and its guests by using content- and viewpoint-neutral factors to identify events that can benefit from additional planning.

December 2018 Sec. 905-50: Clery Act Compliance Procedures have been issued to: implement the UC Clery Act Policy at UCI (including the campus and the Medical Center); assist the campus community to understand, and comply with, Clery Act requirements; and provide UCI-specific guidance on reporting obligations, responsibilities, and contact information.Sec. 900-23: Interim UCI Guidance Concerning Disruption of University Activities has been issued to interpret the term “disruption” in Section 102.13 of the University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations and Students and in similar contexts; detail how the UCI community can prevent and will respond to disruptions of University activities in real time; and detail the potential consequences for disrupting University activities.

November 2018 Office of the PresidentUC Policy - PPSM-30: Compensation has been updated to remove the annual salary increase limit language. The revision was in support of the University’s commitment to pay equity and in light of Assembly Bill 168.UC Policies - PPSM-20: Recruitment and Promotion and PPSM 21: Selection and Appointment have undergone technical review in support of the University’s commitment to pay equity and in light of Assembly Bill 168. Language was added to both policies stating that the University: (1) will not request or rely on an applicant’s or candidate’s salary history in determining salary or whether to offer employment; and (2) will provide the pay scale for a position upon reasonable request by the applicant or candidate.The following UC Policies were rescinded:


October 2018

Sec. 501: UCI Housing Services Guidelines have been revised to update information regarding the various UCI housing communities.

Sec. 904-10: Parking Definitions, Laws, and Enforcement has been revised to update information regarding student preferred permits.

Sec. 905: Police Department - Authority and Jurisdiction has been revised to update the title of the administrator to whom the Chief of Police reports.

Office of the President

New UC Policy - Disclosure of Financial Interests and Management of COI in Private Sponsors of Research applies to any research activity that is funded or supported by a non-governmental entity in whole or in part: (a) through a contract or grant; (b) by a gift which is designated by the gift donor for a specific research project, or a specific Principal Investigator, or a laboratory or research program headed by a Principal Investigator; or (c) through in-kind support provided under a material transfer agreement (MTA). This policy supersedes the Research Policy Analysis and Coordination's (RPAC) Guidance Memo 17- 03 and is replacing the Policy on Disclosure of Financial Interest in Private Sponsors of Research (APM-028).

September 2018

Sec. 903-14: Smoke and Tobacco Free Environment Policy and Procedures has been revised to align the UCI policy with the recently updated UC Smoke and Tobacco Free Environment policy by adding definitions that broaden the scope of products covered by the policy, such as marijuana and electronic smoking devices.

Sec. 701-03: Payments to Research Participants (Human Subjects) - Procedures have been revised to clarify that receipts should be submitted with personal funds reimbursement requests.

Office of the President

UC Policy - Trademark Licensing Code of Conduct has been revised to move the responsibilities for and policy governance from the EVP-Chief Operating Officer to the Senior Vice President-External Relations and Communications.

UC Policy - BFB-IS-3: Electronic Information Security has been comprehensively revised to comply with academic research/grant requirements and the Department of Education requirements outlined in the July 1, 2016 Dear Colleague Letter, and to conform to cyber insurance underwriting. It was updated to conform to the Office of Civil Rights guidance on HIPAA compliance and PCI 3.X, align it to NIST 800-171, adapt to changes in security landscape and adopt a standards-based approach to information security using ISO 27001 and 27002. The revised policy also replaces two other policies, IS-2 and IS-10 and the Incident Response Guide.

The following UC Policy was rescinded:

  • Accounting Manual P-196-11: Payroll Accounting For and Tax Reporting of Mandatory Deductions and Insurance Benefit Contributions

August 2018

Office of the President

New UC Policy - Establishing and Maintaining Presidential Policies (Policy on Policies) describes the steps required for policy development, review, and approval for adoption of new policies, revision of current policies, and rescission of existing policies. It outlines required consultation with the Academic Senate, Academic Personnel and Programs staff, other University employees, and students.

UC Policy - Sustainable Practices Policy has been revised to continue aligning it with the University Carbon Neutrality Initiative, to better align goals and reporting for the medical centers to the health care facility context, and to update the zero waste and sustainable procurement sections.

July 2018

Sec. 900-15: UCI Major Events Interim Policy became effective on July 1, 2018. The policy enables sponsors to plan and host successful events on campus and enables UCI to ensure the safety and security of the UCI community and its guests. The policy uses content- and viewpoint-neutral factors to identify events that can benefit from additional planning and sets forth the additional planning steps. The policy applies to events that are sponsored by non-University parties and that are expected to: (1) be attended by more than 300 people; or (2) significantly affect campus safety, security, and/or campus services; or (3) significantly interfere with other campus functions or activities. You are invited to submit comments about the interim policy until November 30, 2018, by email to ucipolicy@uci.edu.

Sec. 804: Strategic Communications Office has been rescinded. All the important information and links can be found on the Strategic Communications & Public Affairs website.

UCI Office of Research Policy Library

Sec. 480-5: Principal Investigator Eligibility and Project Leadership has been revised to: change the policy title from "Eligibility to Serve as Principal Investigator"; revise the definition of PI to recognize that a project may have more than one PI; add a 'Lead PI' definition to address certain sponsor policies that limit project leadership to only the individual(s) listed in the award document; and divide the policy into two sections: i) Eligibility Requirements, and ii) Project Leadership.

Sec. 480-5.1: Principal Investigator Eligibility Exception Requests. has been issued to reflect that in IDA569 the Chancellor delegated to the Deans (and other positions) the authority to approve exceptions to University of California Systemwide Contract and Grant Manual (Chapter 1-500).

Office of the President

UC Policy - Supplement to Military Pay, which covers all academic and staff employees, has been renewed for a four-year period, effective July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2022. Under the policy, the University provides eligible employees with supplemental payments equal to the difference between the employees’ University base pay and their military pay and allowances until the end of an employee’s active military duty, or until June 30, 2022, while on active military duty in support of an ongoing overseas military campaign. In addition, the University continues to pay the UC contribution to their health plan premiums and certain UC sponsored health and welfare benefits.

June 2018

Sec. 700-09: Policies on Gifts, Gratuities and Conflict of Interest has been revised to replace the reference/link to recently rescinded BFB-G-39 in References/Resources with a link to the recently issued Compendium of Conflict of Interest (COI) and Integrity Policies - Guidance.

Sec. 705-12: Guidelines on Correspondence with Local, State, and Federal Officials have been revised, and retitled, to emphasize that University letterhead should be used when corresponding with local government officials only if the writer is representing the University.

Sec. 700-03: Guidelines for Relations of University Employees with Local, State, and Federal Officials have been revised, and retitled, to emphasize that the Public Affairs office should also be consulted and/or notified concerning contacts with local government officials.

Office of the President

UC Policy - Technical Edits - PPSM-82: Conflict of Interest has undergone minor edits including updating contact info, removing references to deleted policies (PPSM 61, BUS 34 and BUS 77), and adding links to UC's Compendium of Conflict of Interest and Integrity Policies - Guidance and Independent Contractor Guidelines for Federal Tax Purposes.

New UC Policy - Export Control has been issued to underscore UC's commitment to compliance with U.S export control laws and regulations which define the conditions under which certain information, technologies, and commodities can be exported overseas to anyone, including U.S. citizens, or shared with a foreign national within the U.S. The policy applies to all members of the University community (faculty, other academic appointees, staff, students and non-employee participants in University programs) and to all University activities.

UC Guidelines - Contracting for Services has received minor technical edits to update the contact information and add FAQs.

UC Policy - PPSM-30: Compensation has undergone a full review including adding language to the Procedures section affirming that, as locations transfer to UCPath, general and merit increases based on a percentage increase will be rounded up.

UC Policy - Smoke and Tobacco Free Environment Policy has undergone a full review to align it with national standards for a comprehensive smoke- and tobacco-free policy. Revisions include incorporating various tobacco products and marijuana; revising the language used to broaden the scope of products included in the policy (electronic smoking devices); and removing/clarifying exemptions allowed.

The following UC Policy was rescinded:

  • BFB-A-17 Housing and Food Service Operations, Uniform Cost Accounting System, Description of Contents Policy

May 2018

Sec. 904-13: Guidelines for Vehicles Other Than Automobiles have been updated to include electric/motorized scooters and dockless rental electric scooters and bicycles in the list of pedestrian conveyance devices that are prohibited on the UCI campus core.

Sec. 701-03: Payments to Research Participants (Human Subjects) - Procedures have been revised to include information for researchers/departments concerning the January 5th deadline to submit to Accounts Payable for 1099 processing any logs of anonymous participants who received $600.00 and over, along with any Acknowledgement of Patient Compensation forms.

Sec. 800-20: ZotMail Guidelines have been revised to update responsibilities and authorities, and use guidelines.

April 2018

Sec. 900-32: Guidelines for the Design and Placement of Banners on the UC Irvine Campus have been revised to update banner specifications, and installation and reservation details.

Sec. 705-16: Guidelines for Stationery, Business Cards, and Collateral have been updated to reflect current brand guidelines and procedures.

Sec. 705-10: Correspondence Guidelines have been updated to reflect that Strategic Communications and Public Affairs is now the unit responsible for these guidelines.

Sec. 900-33: Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems/Drone Procedures have been issued to implement the recently issued UC Unmanned Aircraft System (Drone) Policy at UCI. The procedures apply to the University community and non-Affiliates.

Office of the President

UC Guidance - University of California Employee Housing Assistance Program has been issued after The Regents approved, in March, 2018, moving these procedural guidelines from Regents policy to Presidential guidance.

UC Policy - Technical Update BFB-G-13: Policy and Regulations Governing Moving and Relocation has been updated to: reflect that, due to Public Law No. 115-97, all moving expense payments to employees or to third parties on behalf of employees from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2025 are includible in an employee's gross income, subject to withholding of applicable federal income, social security, and Medicare taxes.

UC Policy - Technical Update BFB-G-41: Employee Non-Cash Awards and Other Gifts has been updated to: reflect that all gift cards and gift certificates given as Length of Services Awards are subject to wage withholding because they are not considered tangible personal property for such awards under I.R.C. Section 274(j)(3)(A)(ii); include that the University will be subject to unrelated business income taxes (UBIT) on the cost (or value) of pretax transportation benefits awards under I.R.C. Section 512(a)(7); and reflect the increase in the one month parking permit and transit pass per Rev. Proc. 2017-58.

March 2018

Sec. 802-10: Policy on the Sale, Service and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages has been revised to update: the UCI locations to which the policy applies; definitions; responsibilities and authority;and names of UCI units and position titles. The policy was also reformatted to include a table of contents and the requirements to serve and sell alcohol were clarified (revised and reorganized).

Sec. 802-10: Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation Guidelines have been revised to reflect the Division's name change (from Teaching and Learning Center) and update contact information.

February 2018

Office of the President

UC Policy - Technical Update Discrimination, Harassment, and Affirmative Action in the Workplace has been updated to reflect new Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) requirements.

UC Policy - New Unmanned Aircraft System (Drone) Policy has been issued as a response to growing usage of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), commonly known as drones, and mandates that all UAS operations at UC locations must be accomplished legally and in consideration of public safety, privacy, civil rights and liberties.

The following UC Policies were rescinded:

  • BFB-BUS-34 Securing the Services of Independent Consultants
  • BFB-BUS-77 Independent Contractor Guidelines

January 2018

Sec. 680-10: Policy on Gifts and Endowments has been reformatted and updated to clarify responsibilities, and reflect current practices.

Office of the President

UC Guidance - Independent Contractor Guidelines for Federal Tax Purposes has been issued to provide a summary of the criteria used to determine a worker's status under Internal Revenue Service (IRS) common law standards and detail the penalties imposed by the IRS for the misclassification of workers as independent contractors.

December 2017

Sec. 402-10: Endowed Chairs - Procedures have been updated to better align with APM-191: Policy on Endowed Chairs and Professorships and reflect the Chancellor's August 20, 2014, letter that revised the minimum gift amount required to establish an endowed chair.

Sec. 402: Endowed Chairs - Policy has been rescinded, since APM-191: Policy on Endowed Chairs and Professorships is the governing policy.

Sec. 700-17: Guidelines for Reporting and Responding to Reports of Sex Offenses have been revised to include references and links to the UCI Sexual Harassment and Sex Offense Investigation and Adjudication Framework for Staff, Non- Faculty Academic Personnel, Senate Faculty and Non-Senate Faculty.

Sec. 700-18: Guidelines for Reporting and Responding to Reports of Discrimination and Harassment have been revised to include references and links to the UCI Sexual Harassment and Sex Offense Investigation and Adjudication Framework for Staff, Non- Faculty Academic Personnel, Senate Faculty and Non-Senate Faculty.

Sec. 700-11: Guidelines on Subpoena, Subpoena Duces Tecum, and Deposition Subpoena have been updated to reflect changes in personnel and position responsibilities.

Office of the President

UC Policy - Clery Act Policy – Campus Safety and Security Reporting has been issued to provide overarching system guidance and describe roles and responsibilities for the University community related to compliance with legal requirements, regarding crime reporting, awareness, and prevention, under California law and the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Crime Statistics Act.

UC Guidance - Contracting for Services has been issued to guide management decisions when contracting for services in circumstances in which University staff would be displaced, including the requirement that UC locations submit a completed “Formal Notice Pursuant to University Guidelines on Contracting for Services” for review and certification by the Office of Systemwide Human Resources and the Office of the Chief Financial Officer.

November 2017

Sec. 700-30: Policy on International Academic MOUs and Agreements has been updated to reference the recently revised Irvine delegation of authority, IDA 595.

Sec. 700-31: Procedures for International Academic MOUs and Agreements have been updated to reference and reflect the recently revised Irvine delegation of authority, IDA 595, that specifies which UCI administrators are authorized to sign international MOUs and agreements.

Sec. 715-16: Moving and Relocation Guidelines have been updated to reflect recent changes to UC BFB-G-13: Policy and Regulations Governing Moving and Relocation.

Office of the President

UC Policy - BFB-BUS-43 Purchases of Goods and Services; Supply Chain Management has been revised to: Change the title from "Materiel Management"; Specify who has authority to approve exceptions to policy; Update definitions relating to exceptions from the requirement to competitively bid goods and/or services contracts for more than $100,000 annually; Encourage competitive bidding even when an exception applies and require documentation of the decision to apply an exception; Require approval when the University's template documents are not used; Add a policy related to debarring suppliers.

UC Policy - Technical Revisions PPSM-22: Probationary Period, including incorporating language from (rescinded) PPSM-61 and definitions have been updated or removed in sync with PPSM-3 and PPSM-2.

The following UC Policies were rescinded:

  • PPSM-61: Release During the Probationary Period or from Limited Casual/Restricted, and Floater Positions
  • AM-P-196-Payroll: OASDI and Medicare Contributions

October 2017

Sec. 800-16: Web Policy has been revised to modify format and headings, add a table of contents, and update: references and resources; contact information; position titles; and unit names.

Sec.103-12: Delegation of Authority and Signature Authorization Guidelines have been revised to clarify the definitions and responsibilities, update one department name, and modify format and headings.

Sec. 700-09: Policies on Gifts, Gratuities and Conflict of Interest has been revised to: update links, including linking to the UC Guidance on Acceptance of Personal Gifts and Gratuities by Employees under California's Political Reform Act; and modify format and headings.

Sec.103-11: Guidelines for Writing and Publishing Administrative Policies and Procedures have been revised to update the Responsible Office, a position title, and modify format and headings.

Sec. 720-12: Student and Student Applicant Records - Guidelines have been revised to update instructions regarding release of student infomation.

Sec. 900-19: Guidelines for Scheduling General Assignment Classrooms for Academic Instruction have been revised to update out-dated position titles.

Sec. 720-11: Privacy of and Access to Information (Excluding Student Records) - Guidelines have been revised to update contact information.

Sec. 700-20: Policy on Use of University Name and Seals, Campus Names and Seal and Trademarks has been revised to: update content to reflect campus changes including contact information; add a table of contents; and modify format and headings.

Sec. 720-10: Information from Public Records (California Public Records Act) - Guidelines have been revised to update contact information.

Office of the President

UC Policy - PPSM-20: Recruitment and Promotion has been updated to: 1. add sections regarding the competitive recruitment process, career appointments, limited, floater and per diem appointments, contract appointments, documentation, and internal promotion; and 2. remove career ladder recruitment and required procedures language.

UC Policy - BFB-G-13 Policy and Regulations Governing Moving and Relocation has been updated to: remove the relocation allowance; allow the reimbursement of reasonable expenses associated with the sale of former primary residence or unexpired lease expenses associated with new appointment; add repayment provisions requiring new appointees to reimburse moving and relocation expenses if the appointee voluntarily separates from the position prior to completing one year of service; clarify meal reimbursements while in temporary living quarters; and revise timeline requirements for submission of reimbursement requests.

UC Policy - BFB-G-28 Travel Regulations has been updated to: reduce the lower maximum daily meals and incidentals reimbursement rate; establish a maximum lodging reimbursement rate (with exception specifications and requirements); and several other changes that were requested by campuses or were required due to a change in IRS regulation or California State Law.

September 2017

Sec. 701-03: Payments to Research Participants (Human Subjects) - Procedures have been updated to provide more information about researcher's/department's responsibilities, the available methods to pay participants, and current Accounting procedures to make payments or obtain reimbursement.

Sec. 903-15: Guidelines on Acquisition and Use of Controlled Substances and Precursor Chemicals in Research have been revised to update acquisition instructions.

Sec. 715-16: Moving and Relocation Guidelines have been updated to reflect current Procurement Services and Accounting procedures and provide more information about authorities, responsibilities and the five UC policies that govern UCI's procedures.

Office of the President

UC Policy - Technical Update Dual Use Research of Concern has been updated to: change language in bullet 2 and 3 under the ICDUR responsibilities to align more closely with the required statement provided by DHS and actual practice at UC campuses; change paragraph 1 under IRE Review Process so that it better matches the USG Institutional Policy requirements by clearly defining the IRE’s responsibility; update policy contact information; and the Policy was also remediated to meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.

UC Policy - Technical Update Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment has been updated to: update the Policy responsible office and contact information; add links of the Staff and Faculty Adjudication Frameworks to Appendix II: University Disciplinary Procedures; and this Policy was also remediated to meet Web Accessibility Content Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.

UC Policy - Technical Update Anatomical Donation/Materials Programs has been updated to: meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0; update the title of the Responsible Office/Officer; add capitals and acronyms for consistency and correcting a spelling error; change the term “infected” to “test positive”; correct date of Uniform Anatomical Gift modification; and updated current citation.

The following UC Policies were rescinded:

  • AM-557-67 Evaluation of Legally Separated Entities for Financial Reporting Purposes
  • AM-D-371-12.1 Disbursements: Accounting for and Tax Reporting of Payments made through the Vendor System
  • AM-D-371-16 Disbursements: Approvals
  • BUS 7 Use of State of California Pool Cars and Garage Facilities
  • PPSM-24: Per Diem Positions
  • 2005 Guidelines for the Establishment and Operations of Foreign Affiliate Organizations and Foreign Operations

August 2017

Sec. 701-20: Business Meetings and Entertainment Guidelines have been revised to create definitions and clarify authorities and procedures, particularly concerning required receipts.

Sec. 721-12: Archives Policy has been revised to better align it with University policy and add updated information and procedures.

Sec. 707-10: Purchasing Procedures have been revised to add a table of contents and additional items to Part L Special Requirements.

Office of the President

UC Policy - New Patient Safety Evaluation System Policy and Procedures has been issued to reflect the University's participation in Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs) operations pursuant to the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act (PSQIA), including California Hospital Patient Safety Organization (CHPSO). The PSQIA and its implementing regulations, among other things, requires health-care providers participating in PSOs to develop and maintain policies to describe their programs and protect "patient safety work product."

July 2017

Sec. 903-14: Smoke and Tobacco Free Environment Policy and Procedures has been updated to better align UCI's policy with the UC policy and to expand the employee categories responsible for enforcement.

Sec. 700-30: Policy on International Academic MOUs and Agreements has been updated to reference the new UC International Activities Policy.

Sec. 700-31: Procedures for International Academic MOUs and Agreements have been revised to update and clarify definitions, responsibilities and authorities, and reflect the new Irvine delegation of authority (IDA587) that specifies which UCI administrators are authorized to sign international MOUs and agreements.

Sec. 300-14: UCI Catastrophic Leave Program Procedures have been revised to expand the range of circumstances in which leave from the program may be used and to clarify the categories of employees who may participate in the program, and how the program operates.

Office of the President

UC Policy - PPSM-3: Types of Appointment has been updated to: 1. incorporate content from PPSM-24 regarding per diem positions and PPSM-61 Release During the Probationary Period or From Limited, Casual/Restricted, and Floater Appointments; 2. clarify existing language regarding each appointment type; and 3. clarify existing health and welfare benefits language.

UC Policy - F-117-73: Supplemental Home Loan Program has been revised to conform to the UC Presidential Policy template, including separating detailed procedures into a separate document and updating the remaining policy information.

UC Policy - U-538-23: University Extension Concurrent Courses has been revised to conform to the UC Presidential Policy template, and updating the policy information.

UC Policy - A new International Activities Policy has been issued and covers all international activities conducted by all UC employees and students including routine activities. It sets out governing principles, clarifies approval levels, and directs proponents of international activities to consider and address attendant risks. It replaces the 2005 Guidelines for the Establishment and Operations of Foreign Affilite Organizations and Foreign Operations which only addressed a narrow range of international activities.

June 2017

Sec. 903-15: Guidelines on Acquisition and Use of Controlled Substances and Precursor Chemicals in Research have been revised to update the delivery point for all controlled substances and precursor chemicals ordered under UC Irvine's departmental DEA research registration.

Office of the President

UC Policy - Sustainable Practices Policy has been revised to reflect the University Carbon Neutrality Initiative. In addition revisions include: changes to the definitions of green lab assessment programs, and "research group" as defined by the Laboratory Hazard Assessment Tool; the inclusion of the UC Green laboratory Action Plan; and changes to the sections for Sustainable Building Operations for Campuses.

May 2017

Office of the President

UC Policy - Seismic Safety Policy has been revised to address issues related to analyzing and addressing seismic risk in UC buildings on a systemwide basis.

UC Guidance - Acceptance of Personal Gifts and Gratuities by Employees under California's Political Reform Act has been issued to answer some of the most common questions regarding the receipt of personal gifts under the state Political Reform Act.

April 2017

Sec. 707-10: Purchasing Procedures have been revised to add updated information regarding purchasing software or software services, including a link to the Accessibility/Security Review Checklist.

March 2017

Sec. 706-20: Disposal or Transfer of University Equipment - Procedure has been revised to add detail to the non-inventorial excess property procedures, including adding examples of non-inventorial property.

Sec. 103-12: Delegation of Authority and Signature Authorization Guidelines have been revised: the current Responsible Office has been updated and a few technical revisions have been made.

Office of the President

UC Policy - Trademark Licensing Code of Conduct Policy has undergone a major revision and every provision of the Code of Conduct for Trademark Licensees, dated January 5, 2000, has been modified to make clearer the expectations and requirements that all UC logoed goods must be produced (1) under fair, safe, and humane working conditions throughout the supply chain, and (2) by companies authorized to place the University's name and other trademarks on such products.

February 2017

Office of the President

UC Policy - Immunization Policy has been issued to mitigate the risk of UC students contracting vaccine-preventable illnesses that could be acquired in a University facility. This policy details a multi-year plan that will ultimately require incoming students to provide proof of immunity to respiratory transmitted vaccine-preventable diseases and undergo screening for tuberculosis.

UC Policy - PPSM 21: Selection and Appointment has been updated to reflect a selection and appointment process that is in line with the University's affirmative action and equal employmnent goals. Revisions include expanded content on background checks, including the requirement of a background check for the final candidate recommended for hire, how to review and assess background check results, as well as clarification of existing sections.

UC Policy - AM-P196-16-5 Payroll: Official Pay Dates has been reformatted using the new policy template, with minor technical corrections to reflect current terminology, removal of references to semi-monthly & monthly arrears pay cycles and removal of Appendixes I-V.

January 2017

Office of the President

UC Policy - Interim Seismic Safety Policy has been revised to add a definition of lease and remove applicability of the policy to licenses.

UC Policy - BFB-G-45 Implementing Requirements on Expenses Incurred in Support of Official Responsibilities of the President and Chancellors has been revised with minor technical changes.

December 2016

Sec. 701-12: Guidelines on Sales and Use Tax have been updated to include a reference and link to the California State Board of Equalization.

Sec. 700-32: Health Sciences Affiliation Agreements and Health Sciences Programs Approval Procedures have been issued in conjunction with the issuance of IDA 576 (which supersedes IDA 490) to specify that the approvals of these agreements and programs will take place entirely within Health Affairs.

Office of the President

UC Policy - BFB-BUS 43 Materiel Management has been revised to: update the Fair Wage/Fair Work policy that is applied to services performed at locations owned or leased by UC, including certain endowment or investment properties; specify that the annual audit requirement will not apply to Fair Wage/Fair Work services that are subject to State of California prevailing wage law, since these service providers are already highly regulated by the Department of Industrial Relations; make the BUS-43 prevailing wage provisions consistent with those in the Facilities Manual; and clarify when which set of requirements applies.

November 2016

Sec. 800-20: ZotMail Guidelines have been updated to clarify who receives ZotMails and who is authorized to send them.

October 2016

Sec. 905-30: Emergency Management Policy has been updated to reference the new Irvine delegation of authority, IDA577, which specifies who can act on necessary matters in the event of the chancellor’s extended absence or in case of the chancellor's inability to act.

Office of the President

UC Policy - Accepting Equity When Licensing University Technology has been revised to reflect the newly created position of Senior Vice President Research, Innovation & Entrepreneurship and this SVP's responsibility for implementation of the Policy on Accepting Equity When Licensing University Technology.

September 2016

Sec. 902-10: Guidelines for UCI Campus Services Provided by Facilities Management has been revised to update processes for obtaining painting services.

Office of the President

UC Policy - Sustainable Practices has been revised to update the green building section, including an alternative compliance path for demonstrating compliance with the energy efficiency goal for new buildings and clarifying how new building projects can request a policy waiver. It also includes revisions to the transportation section that include quantitative goals and revisions to the water reduction target and reporting requirements.

August 2016

Sec. 706-20: Disposal or Transfer of University Equipment - Procedure has been revised to update service charge rates for items that are sold and information about Equipment Inventory Modification Requests.

Office of the President

UC Guidance - Guidance on Abusive Conduct and Bullying in the Workplace has been issued in regards to abusive behavior and bullying of staff and improving the working climate for staff.

July 2016

Sec. 700-03: Guidelines for Relations of University Employees with State and Federal Officials have been revised to: clarify that the guidelines apply to both the campus and the medical center; specify that acceptance of an invitation to give testimony, in addition to acceptance of an invitation to discuss matters relating to the University, is considered formal agency or government contact that should be reported to, and discussed in advance with, the Office of Community & Government Relations; and emphasize that formal contact with local and regional government should also be discussed in advance with the Office of Community & Government Relations.

Sec. 705-12: Guidelines on Correspondence with State and Federal Officials have been revised to provide a more comprehensive list of elected and appointed officials relevant to this guideline and updated to specify that correspondence on University letterhead with such officials should be reviewed by the Office of Community & Government Relations.

Office of the President

UC Policy - PPSM-70: Complaint Resolution has been revised to incorporate Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM) 71: Resolution of Concerns – Managers and Senior Professionals, Salary Grades VIII and IX, along with technical changes.

UC Policy - PPSM-64 Termination and Job Abandonment has been substantially revised to consolidate PPSM-64: Termination of Career Employees – Professional & Support Staff, PPSM-65: Termination of Career Employees – Managers & Senior Professionals, Salary Grades I through VII, and PPSM-67: Termination of Career Employees – Managers and Senior Professionals, Salary Grades VIII and IX.

UC Policy - Self-Supporting Graduate Professional Degree Programs Policy has been revised and supersedes the Policy on Self-Supporting Graduate Degree Programs and the Implementation Guidelines for the Policy on Self-Supporting Graduate Degree Programs that were approved and implemented on September 23, 2011. The revised policy and implementation section provide more specificity on the criteria and approval process for establishing a new self-supporting graduate professional degree program or for converting an existing program to self-supporting status.

UC Policies - PPSM-1 General Provisions, PPSM-2: Definition of Terms, PPSM-II-70 Resolution of Concerns (SMG), and PPSM-82: Conflict of Interest have been updated with technical changes.

June 2016

Sec. 902-10: Guidelines for UCI Campus Services Provided by Facilities Management have been revised to update processes and clarify roles.

Sec. 904-13: Guidelines for Vehicles Other Than Automobiles have been revised to specify that the use, posession, charging, or storage of hoverboards in all UCI buildings and housing units is prohibited, per the new UC Hoverboard policy.

Sec. 700-05: UCI Employee Emergency Loan Program – Procedure has been deleted because UC's employee emergency loan program recently changed. Information about the revised program is available on the UCI Financial Services website: http://www.fs.uci.edu/loans/employee-emergency-loans/.

Sec. 707-10: Purchasing Procedures have been revised to add Software and Software Services to the list of items with special requirements and to add links to ZOTportal information about purchase orders, purchase order amendments and recurring payment purchase orders.

Sec. 707-11: Purchase Requisitions/Purchase Order Changes – Guidelines have been deleted as the content was out-of-date and up-to-date information is available via Sec. 707-10: Purchasing Procedures.

Office of the President

New UC Interim Policy: UC Health Participation in Activities under the End of Life Option Act has been issued acknowledging UC Health has chosen not to "opt out", but acknowledges the rights of individual employees to refrain from participating in activities authorized under the Option Act.

May 2016

Office of the President

New UC Hoverboard Policy has been issued to ban the use, storage or charging of certain hoverboards in buildings and housing units on all UC properties with the exception of private campus housing units co-owned by faculty or staff. The ban does not apply to hoverboards that have been tested and certified by an accredited third party testing laboratory. The ban is necessary due to the special risks of fire in residences, classrooms, and laboratories caused by the types of batteries used by certain hoverboards.

April 2016

Sec. 707-10: Purchasing Procedures have been revised to update the UCIBuy maximum to $5000.

Sec. 710-10: Internal Audit Policy has been revised to reflect Internal Audit's current position in UCI's and UC's organizational structures, and the membership of the Committee on Internal Audit.

Sec. 710-11: External Audit Policy has been revised to reflect Internal Audit's current position in UCI's and UC's organizational structures.

March 2016

Sec. 701-20: Business Meetings and Entertainment Guidelines have been updated to reflect the new maximum meal and light refreshment rates, that are specified in the recently revised BUS-79, which went into effect March 1, 2016.

Sec. 707-10: Purchasing Procedures have been revised to update information about special requirements including an updated list of items requiring approval from EH&S prior to release of a Purchase Order to a vendor.

Sec. 720-10: Information from Public Records (California Public Records Act) - Guidelines have been revised to update information about the process to request public records and to delete references and links to RMP-8 which was rescinded by Office of the President in November 2015.

Sec. 720-11: Privacy of and Access to Information (Excluding Student Records) - Guidelines have been revised to update responsibilities of the Information Practices Coordinator as well as those of unit heads/department chairs, the Assistant Vice Chancellor-Academic Personnel, vice chancellors and deans, and to delete references and links to RMP-8 which was rescinded by Office of the President in November 2015.

Sec. 700-06: Guidelines for Reporting Improper Activities and Guidelines for Filing Complaints of Retaliation for Reporting Improper Activities has been revised to reflect changes in the investigation report due dates.

Sec. 804: Strategic Communications Office has been revised to reflect changes in the name and role of the Strategic Communications office, and updated to provide a current list of electronic communications and publications.

Personnel Procedures for UC Irvine Staff Members
- Investigatory Leave - Procedure 63 has been revised to update the guidelines and procedures.

Office of the President

UC Policy - BFB-BUS-79 Expenditures for Business Meetings, Entertainment and Other Occasions has been updated with technical changes, principally the increase in the per-person reimbursement rate for business meals and entertainment and to replace references to OMB Circular A-21 with 2 CFR Part 200.

UC Policy - BFB-G-28 Travel Regulations have been updated with technical changes such as: the change in the rate of reimbursement for business-related use of private automoile and for travel connected with a move or relocation; the increase in the daily meals incidental expense cap; and updated to replace references to OMB Circular A-21 with 2 CFR Part 200.

UC Policy - BFB-G-41 Employee Non-Cash Awards and Other Gifts has been revised: to reflect the increase in the one month parking permit and transit pass; and updated to replace references to OMB Circular A-21 with 2 CFR Part 200-Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.

February 2016

Sec. 700-17: Guidelines for Reporting and Responding to Reports of Sex Offenses have been revised to reflect the current UCI processes and resources that have been implemented to comply with the recently issued UC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment policy.

Sec. 700-18: Guidelines for Reporting and Responding to Reports of Discrimination and Harassment have been revised to reflect the current UCI responsibilities and processes that have been implemented to comply with the recently issued UC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment policy.

Sec. 905-40: Policy on Non-Research Animals on Campus has been revised to update Part C. Animals in Housing.

January 2016

Sec. 903-31: Guidelines for the Public Access Automatic External Defibrillation Program has been revised to update the AED Program Coordinator's responsibilities.

Office of the President

UC Policy - Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment has been issued and supersedes the June 2015 interim policy. Revisions include the processes for: reporting and responding to complaints; a new definition of "responsible employee" that requires every staff member of the University (except for a few confidential resources) to notify the Title IX office when they receive information from any student about prohibited sexual conduct; mandatory annual training and education about prohibited conduct; and specifies that all supervisors and faculty must notify the Title IX office when they receive information of alleged sexual misconduct from other faculty or staff.

December 2015

Sec. 901-11: Procedure for Naming University Properties, Programs, and Facilities has been revised to update and revise the Responsible Office and contact information.  The procedures have been revised to identify more clearly which namings can be approved by the Chancellor and which require Presidential approval (as specified in DA2002).

Office of the President

UC Policy - PPSM 30, Compensation has been revised to incorporate language regarding the UC minimum wage implemented under the President’s Fair Wage/Fair Work Plan.

November 2015

Sec. 903-15: Guidelines on Acquisition and Use of Controlled Substances and Precursor Chemicals in Research has been revised to update roles, contact information, and procedures.

Sec. 700-40: Policy on Credit and Debit Card Acceptance and Security has been issued to ensure that UCI complies with various laws, regulations, guidelines and policies, such as BUS-49 and BFB IS-3, in order to safeguard the credit and debit card data of its customers.

Office of the President

UC Policy - RMP-1: University Records Management Program has been revised to update the general principles and policy foundation of the University of California Records Management Program, as well as the responsibilities associated with the Program.

UC Policy - RMP-2: Records Retention and Disposition has been revised to update, in the context of the records lifecycle, the systemwide principles and processes for records disposition, and outlines the roles and responsibilities associated with this component of the Program.

UC Policy - RESCISSION of RMP-8, Legal Requirements on Privacy of and Access to Information. UC Office of the President, including Office of the General Counsel, determined that this policy was duplicative and unnecessary because it merely restated verbatim the text of the California Public Records Act (PRA), the California Information Practices Act of 1977 (IPA), and other laws. Any time one of the laws was revised, RMP-8 was immediately out of date and out of compliance with the revised law.

October 2015

Sec. 700-11: Guidelines on Subpoena, Subpoena Duces Tecum, and Deposition Subpoena have been revised to update the contact information and instructions for the campus and medical center units that can accept subpoenas that are being served on the University.

Office of the President

UC Policy - Open Access has been issued to allow authors of scholarly articles to reserve rights under copyright law and make such scholarship widely and freely available to the public. This policy governs University authors who are not members of the Academic Senate. There is a separate corresponding policy which governs Academic Senate faculty exclusively.

September 2015

Office of the President

UC Policy - BUS-43, Materiel Management has been revised to change reference to prevailing wage and purchase transactions.

UC Policy - Dual Use Research of Concern Policy has been issued and shall apply to all research conducted at the University that may involve Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC). DURC is life sciences research that can be reasonably anticipated to provide knowledge, information, products, or technologies that could be intentionally misused to pose a significant threat, with broad potential consequences, to public health and safety, agricultural crops and other plants, animals, the environment, materiel, or national security.

August 2015

Sec. 715-22: Guidelines on Use of University Vehicles has been revised to provide links to the applicable Vehicle Physical Damage, Automobile Liability, and Workers' Compensation insurance program information.

Sec. 802-11: Policy on Use of Videotapes has been revised to reflect that the Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE), Media Services is now the responsible for copying approved film and videotape.  A link has been included to the recently revised presidential Copyright and Fair Use Policy.

Sec. 706-20: Disposal or Transfer of University Equipment - Procedure has been revised to reflect changes to the procedures for disposition of equipment that was purchased with federal funds in order to conform with OMB Uniform Guidance, or 2 CFR 200.

Sec. 902-12: Guidelines for Conservation and Management of Energy and Water Resources has been revised to clarify guidelines concerning equipment cooling.

July 2015

Sec. 901-12: Environmental Planning & Sustainability has been revised to reflect the department name change from Campus & Environmental Planning to Environmental Planning & Sustainability and include the department's responsibilities under the recently revised presidential Sustainable Practices policy.

Office of the President

UC Policy - PPSM 80, Staff Personnel Records policy has been revised to include an updated definition of a personnel record and an updated explanation for access to the employee’s own record, an expansion of the criteria for records not to be released to the public, and the addition of clarifying language for access to peace officer personnel records. In addition, a new Access to Records by Government Agencies section has been added to the policy.

UC Policy - Copyright and Fair Use policy replaces the UC Policy on the Reproduction of Copyrighted Materials for Teaching and Research. The Copyright and Fair Use Policy clarifies the University’s support for the fair use of scholarly and educational material as permitted in U.S. Copyright Law and is aligned with the needs of the administration, faculty, staff, and students. A detailed guidance website has been developed to assist with Copyright and Fair Use questions, and it can be found at http://copyright.universityofcalifornia.edu.

June 2015

Sec. 680-10: Policy on Gifts and Endowments has been revised to reflect the revised presidential delegation of authority, DA 2588, and to reference the revised Irvine delegation of authority, IDA 562.

Sec. 905-30: Emergency Management Policy has been revised to include the Campus Succession List, update the emergency protocol for staff and faculty, and add information addressing campus and building evacuations and closures.

Office of the President

UC Guideline - Providing Gender Inclusive Facilities: In accordance with the University’s nondiscrimination policies, these guidelines seek to create an inclusive campus environment for transgender and gender variant people and provide direction on the implementation of gender inclusive facilities in UC-owned buildings.

UC Policy - Sustainable Practices policy has been updated to align with the Carbon Neutrality Initiative as well as the introduction of an interim water reduction target in order to be consistent with State water agency goals. The revision also includes the removal of the acute care facility exemptions from the green building sections of the policy.

UC Policy - Interim Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence policy has been revised to reflect the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA) which imposed new obligations on the University of California. This interim policy reflects the necessary requirements of the final VAWA regulations as well as the requirements of Senate Bill 767 that was enacted last year. It also includes those policy decisions made as the result of the recommendations from the Task Force on Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence and Sexual Assault.

May 2015

Sec. 711: Guidelines on University Self-Insurance has been revised to reflect BUS-81 (which replaced BUS-1, BUS-9, BUS-28, BUS-28, BUS-69, BUS-75 and BUS-73) and provide links to information concerning UCI's use and administration of the UC Self-Insurance program in Zot Portal.

Office of the President

UC Policy - Whistleblower Protection Policy has been revised to ensure that complaints alleging whistleblower retaliation are processed more expeditiously. The revisions are also designed to make it easier for complainants to understand the process and the revised policy outlines what complainants need to include when filing a complaint under the policy and describes what happens at each step of the process.

April 2015

Sec. 802-11: Policy on Use of Videotapes has been revised to reflect that the Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE), Media Services is now the responsible office for this policy.

Sec. 900-16: Policy on Temporary Access to University Properties by Off-Campus Vendors and Commerical Entities has been revised to provide updated Temporary Vendor Permit and Vendor Agreement forms and specify that vendors must adhere to campus sound policies.

Sec. 700-13: Guidelines for Reimbursement of Gift Purchases provide updated processing information using the Kuali financial system.

Sec. 701-20: Business Meetings and Entertainment Guidelines provide updated payment and reimbursement procedures using the Kuali financial system.

Office of the President

UC Policy - BUS-79 Expenditures for Business Meetings, Entertainment, and Other Occasions policy has been revised to change the recommended time period to substantiate business expense claims to a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed forty-five days. The revisions also include language outlining consequences for not submitting a reimbursement in a timely manner. The decision as to how to implement such consequences for late-submitted claims is left to the discretion of the campus or location, based on the facts and circumstances. The revised policy also revises the language referring to “spouse, domestic partner or other partner” and shortened this phrase to “spouse or domestic partner” throughout the policy.

UC Policy - BFB-G-28 Travel Regulations policy has been revised including changing the recommended time period to substantiate business expense claims for meals and travel to a reasonable amount of time, not to exceed forty-five days, changing the rate of reimbursement for business-related use of private automobile and for travel connected with a move or relocation, in accordance with IRS Notice 2014-79 & 2014-114. The revised policy also revises the language referring to “spouse, domestic partner or other partner,” which was shortened to “spouse or domestic partner” throughout the policy.

UC Policy - AM-P196-21: Damage Payments for Services Performed Before Loyalty Oath Is Signed policy has been reissued to remove the interim document that was issued on June 17, 2014 and to correct the policy for the proper tax treatment of the damage payment.

UC Policy - PPSM 30, Compensation policy has been extensively revised to incorporate PPSM 30—Salary, PPSM 31—Hours of Work, PPSM 32—Overtime, and PPSM 32—Shift and Weekend Differential into one policy, titled PPSM-30 Compensation. The new PPSM-30 also incorporates five Presidential delegations of authority: 1084, 2070, 2074, 2076, and the compensation-related components of 2087.

March 2015

Sec. 802-10: Teaching, Learning & Technology Center Guidelines has been revised to update contact information and the description of services.

Sec. 900-32: Guidelines for the Design and Placement of Banners on the UC Irvine Campus provide procedures for scheduling and installation of pole and bridge banners on the campus.

Sec. 900-12: Policy on Posting and Distribution of Literature and Materials has been revised to specify entities authorized to approve banner placement and content.

Office of the President

UC Policy - Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect policy has been revised to bring the policy into compliance with California State Assembly Bill 1775 (AB 1775) which updated the definition of “sexual exploitation” as it applies to the Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA), specifically section 11165.1 of the Act.

February 2015

Sec. 680-11: Procedures for Processing Acceptance of a Gift/Private Grant has been revised to clarify the difference between gift and research gift characteristics.

Office of the President

UC Guideline - Student Note Takers guidelines clarify the two options available for the treatment of student note takers providing services for disability resource programs.

January 2015

Sec. 707-10: Purchasing Procedures has been updated with new paper products standards and information about purchasing methods using the Kuali financial system and e-Commerce.

December 2014

Office of the President

UC Policy - Disclosure of Financial Interests and Management of Conflicts of Interest, National Science Foundation Awards policy has been updated to specifically establish a process for implementing the National Science Foundation’s Investigator Financial Interest Policy. Other technical revisions include updated references to current federal laws, regulations, and policies, and updated references to titles of University officers authorized to implement this policy.

UC Guideline - Undergraduate Recruitment Practices guideline issued to assist all University campuses to keep the educational interests of the state, prospective students and the University at the forefront of admissions and recruitment practices.

October 2014

Office of the President

UC Policy - Education Loan Practices policy has been revised to eliminate references to the Federal Family Education Loan program which ceased in 2010. The revisions also reflect regulations, from the Federal Register published on October 28, 2009, by the Department of Education, that govern institutions making preferred private lender lists available to their students and require comprehensive code of conduct and conflict of interest requirements regarding preferred lender arrangements.

UC Policy - BFB-BUS-34: Securing the Services of Independent Consultants policy was revised to allow for Independent Consulting Agreements for up to $100,000 (increased from $50,000) to be put into place without going out for bid. The other major revision was to remove the Reporting Requirement.

September 2014

Office of the President

UC Policy - PPSM 2.210, Absence from Work policy had technical changes added, for compliance with legal requirements, effective July 1, 2014.

UC Policy - PPSM 62, Corrective Action policy has been revised to remove "Professional & Support Staff" from the title to reflect that it not only replaces previous versions of Personnel Policies for Staff Members 62 (Corrective Action–Professional & Support Staff), it also replaces Staff Personnel Policy 270 (Corrective Action), Sections 270.1, 270.7, 270.11 and 270.12, and Administrative and Professional Staff Program 170 (Corrective Action). A number of changes have been made to this policy such as changes that address when the University may take corrective action, the types of corrective action that can be used, the types of conduct that may result in corrective action, and that corrective action taken should take into account the severity and circumstances of the situation and the employee’s work history. A more complete list of the changes can be found in the Revision History (Part VIII) of this revised policy.

UC Policy - Seismic Safety Policy has been updated to include a revised version of the “Certificate of Applicable Code” in Appendix B which was developed by the University of California, the California State University system and the Department of General Services to improve consistency across the agencies.

July 2014

Sec. 704-12: Petty Cash Procedures has been updated with information and new forms related to the financial system conversion to Kuali.

June 2014

Sec. 900-13: Policy on the Sale, Service and Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages has been significantly revised to state the requirements and the approving authorities for all UCI events where alcohol will be consumed. Supplementing this policy is a new Request to Serve or Sell Alcoholic Beverages form, which must be submitted to Hospitality & Dining Services prior to an event, and 3 Steps for a Successful Event with Alcoholic Beverage Service and How to Obtain Required Licenses to Sell Alcoholic Beverages at UCI Events.

Sec. 903-10: Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Policy has been revised to include the responsibility of EH&S to inform senior management of serious non-compliance issues and hazards (see Escalating Serious Non-Compliance and Hazardous Issues).

Sec. 480-20: Guidelines for Compliance with Export Control Regulations has been revised to update resource information, clarify roles and responsibilities, and simplify regulations regarding countries subject to a U.S. sanctions program.

Office of the President

UC Policy - Institutional Development policy is a new policy that was developed to address the need for consistent administrative practices and provide guidance on issues pertaining to philanthropic support.

UC Policy - Supplement to Military Pay policy has been updated to reflect that both Academic Personnel and Human Resources are the Responsible Offices for this policy. “War on Terror Campaign” has also been updated to “Overseas Contingency Campaign (formerly the War on Terror campaign) or any successor military mobilization campaign.” and Dep Care FSA language was clarified and Health FSA language was added.

(Interim) UC Policy - BFB-BUS-43, Materiel Management has been updated to reflect the new UCNet and policy office links. Changes to the definition of "Sole Source," "Student Employee," and "Unique Products and Services." Clarifying language was added for "Restrictions on Purchases/Leases/Contracts." For more information: Issuance letter

(Interim) UC Policy - AM-P196-21, Damage Payments for Services Performed Before the Loyalty Oath is Signed has been revised to correct for the proper tax treatment of the damage payment in time for the UCPath process development.

May 2014

Sec. 700-17: Guidelines for Reporting and Responding to Reports of Sex Offenses provides a comprehensive description of sex offenses, including definitions. Procedures for reporting and for the University’s response are detailed along with the rights, responsibilities and resources for individuals involved in sex offense situations.

Sec. 700-18: Guidelines for Reporting and Responding to Reports of Discrimination and Harassment describes the various forms of discrimination and harassment and provides details for reporting incidences as well as options for resolution.

Sec. 715-22: Guidelines on Use of University Vehicles has been updated and clarifies the authorities and responsibilities of campus departments and organizations, drivers of University vehicles, Materiel & Risk Management, and Fleet Services.

March 2014

Personnel Procedures for UC Irvine Staff Members

PPSM 80, Staff Personnel Records describes the ERO system image repository and clarifies access rights to payroll and personnel records by employees, managers and the public.

Office of the President

UC Records Retention Schedule - Retention periods have been updated to reflect new legal requirements, evolving business practices, and current data privacy standards for the following subject areas: capital resources, public safety, and information technology. For more information: Issuance letter

February 2014

Sec. 700-30: Policy on International MOUs and Agreements has been issued by the Office of Global Engagement to foster exchanges and partnerships with foreign entities while protecting the University from inappropriate risk and the unauthorized commitment of University resources. It mandates a review and approval process and requires that agreements with any foreign entity comply with federal, State and University regulations and be vetted by appropriate campus entities.

Sec. 700-31: Guidelines for International MOUs and Agreements details the responsibilities and authority for initiating, reviewing and approving agreements. The terms of an agreement are explained, and an International Agreement Planning Form (IAPF) is provided for use in developing collaborations.

Office of the President

UC Policy - Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence was issued to comply with new federal regulations, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA), about responding to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. This policy prohibits sexual harassment and sexual violence, provides support for victims, and outlines training for faculty, staff and students.

January 2014

Sec. 903-14: Smoke and Tobacco Free Environment Guidelines is the campus-specific implementation of the systemwide policy. It applies to all students, staff, faculty, volunteers, and visitors, and sets forth the responsibilities of the members of the UC Irvine community for establishing and maintaining a smoke and tobacco free environment.

Office of the President

UC Policy - Smoke and Tobacco Free Environment prohibits smoking and use of tobacco products on University controlled properties. Campus implementation requirements are included; the goal is to provide a healthier, safe and productive work and learning environment for the entire UC community.

December 2013

Sec. 700-09: Policies on Gifts, Gratuities and Conflict of Interest has been revised to include the responsibility of departments for establishing practices that will ensure employees are aware of disqualification requirements and conflict of interest policies.

November 2013

Sec. 904-20: Guidelines on Conditions of Use of Tax-Free Alcohol are now maintained by and the responsibility of Transportation & Distribution Services.

Sec. 905-30: Emergency Management Policy has been revised to clarify that departments are responsible for properly assessing their unit in order to complete UC Ready or the UC Resilient Business Continuity Plans and Emergency Action Plans.

Office of the President

UC Policy - PPSM 35, Uniforms and Safety Apparel was revised to ensure that the University covers the cost of employee uniforms and safety apparel and provides replacement allowances.

September 2013

Sec. 900-14: Access Regulations for Employee Organizations informs representatives of employee organizations that they must notify Labor & Employee Relations of their presence on campus.

Office of the President

UC Policy - Policy Management of Systemwide Mandatory Training Courses establishes a framework for the management of systemwide mandatory training for University employees, including approval, development, revision, delivery, and maintenance of courses.

August 2013

Office of the President

UC Policy - Anatomical Donations/Materials Program has been issued to ensure that anatomical materials are effectively managed and that the anatomical donation programs maintain public confidence in meeting the needs of donors and their families and in advancing the health sciences education and research enterprise.

UC Policy - Information Technology Accessibility has been issued to ensure the deployment of information technology that has been designed, developed, or procured to be accessible to people with disabilities, including those who use assistive technologies.

UC Policy - Sustainable Practices has been revised to add a new sustainable water systems section and two definitions related to waste management. Minor updates were made to the building design and operations sections.

The UC Records Retention Schedule has been updated to reflect new legal requirements, evolving business practices, and current data privacy standards, and to also acknowledge the increasing use of technology for records management. Questions should be directed to UCI's Records Management Coordinator.

July 2013

Office of the President

UC Policy - Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect details the requirements of the University to promote identification and reporting of child abuse or neglect as described in the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA) which is codified at California Penal Code §§ 11164-11174.3. It encourages all members of the University community who observe, have actual knowledge of, or reasonably suspect child abuse or neglect at a University facility or perpetrated by University personnel to promptly report the concern to appropriate external and University officials.

UC Policy - Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action Policy Regarding Academic and Staff Employment has been updated to comply with legal requirements and to align with changes already made to PPSM 12 which states that discrimination on the basis of gender and gender identity is prohibited.

Personnel Policies for Staff Members
NEW - PPSM 84, Accommodations for Nursing Mothers makes private space available for lactation purposes and provides time to accommodate the needs of nursing mothers. UCI's Guidelines provide the location of campus lactation stations.

June 2013

Office of the President

UC Policy - The Health Science Compliance Program has been updated and provides guidance for the development, implementation and evaluation of all Health Science Compliance Program activities at University of California Academic Medical Centers and related Health Science functions.

UC Policy - Laboratory Safety Equipment will be effective October 31, 2013. This policy is designed to prevent workplace injuries and illnesses for all faculty, staff, students, volunteers, and visitors. It identifies minimum training requirements applicable to all workers who actively performs work functions with hazardous materials or equipment in a laboratory/technical area.

UC Policy - Minors in Laboratories and Shops will be effective October 31, 2013. This policy is meant to protect both the safety of minors and of other laboratory personnel. It does not apply to students enrolled in courses listed in a campus course catalog having a laboratory component or in any of the University’s educational outreach programs.

UC Policy - Personal Protective Equipment will be effective March 31, 2014. This revision of existing policy delineates when employees and students would be exempt from the personal protective equipment requirements. A Laboratory Hazard assessment Tool is included to help evaluate requirements.

The Regents' Standing Order 103.6, regarding retirement for senior executive management and reappointment following retirement, has been repealed. Senior executives remain “at will” employees whose employment may terminate at any time without cause. Based on the repeal, Policy PPSM 11-65 has been rescinded.

April 2013

Sec. 700-20: Policy on Use of University Name and Seals, Campus Names and Seal and Trademarks has been significantly revised to clarify the appropriate uses of University and campus identifiers and to state the approvals required for such use. It also transfers responsibility for licensing functions to personnel in Planning & Budget.

Personnel Procedures for UC Irvine Staff Members
PPSM 70, Complaint Resolution - Professional and Support Staff (PSS) and Managers and Senior Professionals (MSP) I-VII combines complaint resolution information for PPS and MSP staff in a single, streamlined document.

Office of the President

NEW - UC Policy - Relocation Assistance Act Policy for Real Estate Acquisitions and Leases is designed to ensure that uniform, fair and equitable treatment is applied in situations where persons or businesses are required to vacate occupancy of property as a result of lease or acquisition by The Regents.

Personnel Policies for Staff Members
PPSM 2.210, Absence from Work has been updated to align with legal requirements enacted since the policy was first issued in 2010. Other changes were made to provide clarity and consistency in the policy's administration.

February 2013

Office of the President

BFB-BUS-43, Materiel Management has been updated to align with changes to California Public Contract Code, 10507.8, which ensures that bid evaluation and selection of contracts is determined by the best value for the University.

January 2013

Office of the President

BFB-G-28, Travel Regulations has been updated to comply with IRS requirements which include clarification in the definition of business purpose and new mileage reimbursement rates for private automobiles: 56.5 cents/mile for business-related travel and 24 cents/mile for travel in connection with a move or relocation. Some of the other revisions include changing the reporting period to 60 days and adding recommendations for good stewardship of the University's resources.

BFB-BUS-76, Engagements with The Regents’ Audit Firm states that the University will not retain any independent certified public accounting firm to perform the annual external audit of the University’s financial statements that creates a conflict of interest.

October 2012

Sec. 700-09: Policy on Gifts, Gratuities and Conflict of Interest, has been revised to clarify that all employees must disqualify themselves from participating in decisions in which they have a personal financial interest. For designated officials, information on gift reporting has been added. Other Fair Political Practices Commission reporting requirements are noted.

Personnel Procedures for UC Irvine Staff Members
- PPSM 21, Appointment, has been updated to include information on the performance and use of credit background checks.

Office of the President

University of California Guidelines, Recruitment Through the Use of Social Networks, apply to the use of University social network accounts (such as LinkedIn Recruiter) to identify and recruit candidates for University employment in staff positions. Local campus procedures for the recruitment of internal and external candidates through social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and others should be implemented in accordance with these guidelines.

UC Policy - PPSM 21, Appointment, has been reformatted and brought into compliance with California Assembly Bill 22, on the use of consumer credit reports for employment purposes.

September 2012

Sec. 902-10: Guidelines for UCI Campus Services Provided by Facilities Management, was significantly revised to provide guidance on the maintenance and construction services provided by Facilities Management, and the authorities for State-supported and recharged services; building security and access; and responsibilities of building occupants.

Sec. 902-13: Guidelines for Electronic Security Systems, has been updated to clarify definitions and to require consultation with Facilities Management and UCI Police Department prior to purchase or installation of any type of electronic security system.

August 2012

Office of the President

Disclosure of Financial Interests and Management of Conflict of Interest, Public Health Service Awards replaces the existing Policy on Disclosure of Financial Interests and Management of Conflicts of Interest Related to Sponsored Projects (which will only apply to NSF funded research and other University-funded research programs after 8/24/12).

July 2012

Sec. 701-14: Procedure for Accounts Receivable - University Invoice, includes updated information on the preparation and cancellation of University Invoices, the recharge rate for direct data feed, and the late payment penalties for students.

Sec. 701-16: Departmental Billing - Procedure, has been revised to include the Campus Online Deposit system (COD) and to state the retention requirements for unpaid departmental bills.

Sec. 902-14: Policy for Key Control and Access to Campus Facilities, has been significantly revised to describe the controls implemented by Facilities Management and the UCI Police Department that regulate the possession and use of keys to campus facilities.

Office of the President

Policy on the Supplement to Military Pay provides reasonable assistance to those University academic and staff personnel serving on active military duty in the War on Terror campaign.

Personnel Policies for Staff Members
PPSM 34, Incentives and Recognition Award Plans - Managers & Senior Professionals and Professionals & Support Staff, provides updated direction and authority for the development and approval of incentive award plans and recognition award plans under which Manager & Senior Professional (MSP) and Professional & Support Staff (PSS) employees may receive awards.

PPSM 70, Complaint Resolution, clarifies the process for resolving complaints made by staff employees in the Professional & Support Staff and Managers & Senior Professionals salary grades I-VII personnel groups.

June 2012

Office of the President

UC Business and Finance Bulletin BUS-2 Tax-Free Alcohol Permits, Records and Operations, has been updated to align with changes in federal law.

May 2012

Sec. 103-12: Delegation of Authority and Signature Authorization Guidelines, has been revised to clarify the process for appointing an acting authority during a temporary absence.

Sec. 800-20: ZotMail Guidelines, has been revised to add a description of the ZotMail Advisory Committee and to allow Student Affairs to send ZotMail messages to students.

Sec. 905-40: Policy on Non-Research Animals on Campus, and Sec. 905-41: Guidelines for Reporting Animal-Related Issues, have been revised to give responsibility to the UCI Police Department for managing all responses to reports of non-research animals on campus.

Personnel Procedures for UC Irvine Staff Members
- Absence From Work, Procedures 40-46, have been updated by Human Resources to align with systemwide Personnel Policies for Staff Members: Policy 2.210 Absence From Work.

Office of the President

Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students,Section 102.09 is now the permanent policy on standards for student sexual harassment and other forms of discriminatory harassment. Section 102.25 is a new policy that addresses prohibited conduct in settings where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy.

April 2012

Sec. 300-15: Work-Related Accidents and Injuries Procedures, and Proc 44 have been revised to simplify information on supplemental benefits options.

Sec. 900-20: Withdrawal of Consent to Remain on Campus - Policy and Section 900-21, Procedure, have been updated to clarify when non-compliance with a withdrawal of consent to remain on campus becomes a misdemeanor.

Sec. 902-12: Guidelines for the Conservation and Management of Energy and Water Resources, conveys UCI's commitment to sustainable practices and provides guidance on the uses and costs of utilities, equipment selection, equipment cooling systems, and prohibited uses of electricity.

Sec. 904: Policy on Parking, Transportation and Traffic Regulation, clarifies the shared rights and responsibilities of users of transportation on campus property.

Sec. 904-10: Parking Definitions, Laws and Enforcement, contains streamlined information on selected parking regulations and traffic controls.

Sec. 904-11: Parking Permits and Adjudication Guidelines, aligns with Transportation and Distribution Services' website to provide comprehensive information on permits and permit violations.

Sec. 904-12: Sustainable Transportation Guidelines, combines guidelines on carpool, vanpool and other alternative means of transportation that support the sustainability goals of the campus.

Sec. 904-13: Guidelines for Vehicles Other Than Automobiles, provides current definitions of vehicles, bicycles and pedestrian conveyance devices and the rules and regulations applying to their use on campus.

Sec. 904-14: VIP Service Program Guidelines, states eligibility requirements and extent of the motorist assistance services available to the campus community.

Office of the President

UC Business and Finance Bulletin G-13, Policy and Regulations Governing Moving and Relocation, has been republished in Office of the President's new policy format.

March 2012

Sec. 701-20: Business Meetings and Entertainment Guidelines, has been revised to reflect the increased meal rates stated in BUS-79, Expenditures for Entertainment, Business Meetings and Other Occasions.

Office of the President

UC Business and Finance Bulletins
G-28, Policy and Regulations Governing Travel, has been revised with an increased meal and incidental expense rate of $71. For more information: Memo

BUS-79, Expenditures for Entertainment, Business Meetings and Other Occasions, has also been revised with increased rates for entertainment and business meeting meals. For more information: Memo

February 2012

Sec. 700-05: UCI Employee Emergency Loan Program - Procedures, has been revised to clarify that the designated representative for processing loan applications is currently the Assistant Vice Chancellor-Accounting and Fiscal Services.

Personnel Procedures for UC Irvine Staff Members
- PPSM 60, Layoff and Reduction in Time from Professional and Support Staff Career Positions, has been updated to align with Policy 60, which was revised in November, 2011.

January 2012

Sec. 103-11: Guidelines for Writing and Publishing Administrative Policies and Procedures, has been updated with information on the use of Plain English.

Sec. 103-12: Delegation of Authority and Signature Authorization Guidelines, has been revised to clarify the formal processes used to delegate authority.

Sec. 701-19: Payroll Certification System Guidelines for Federally Sponsored Projects, has been updated to clarify requirements and the responsibilities of users of the new certification system when substantiating salaries charged directly to federally funded projects.

Office of the President

Whistleblower Policy has been updated to conform to revisions of the California Whistleblower Protection Act (California Government Code Section 8547). Changes have been summarized by the Office of Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services: Summary 

December 2011

Sec. 800-20: ZotMail Guidelines, has been updated with the former Distribution & Document Management's new name: Administrative Policies & Records. The description of an employee's ability to delete subscription lists has been streamlined and the presence of other mail list services on campus has been included.

Sec. 801: Policy on Mail Services, Shipping and Receiving, has been updated with the former Parking & Transportation Services' new name: Transportation & Distribution Services, as this unit now oversees mail activities. It also now states that items meeting criteria for suspicious mail will be inspected.

Sec. 905-30: Emergency Management Policy, is now the responsibility of UCI Police Department. It has been streamlined and updated with links to current campus emergency procedures and other resources located on the Police website.

Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students,Sections 10.00-90.00 and 100.00-105.00, have been revised to reflect current UCI practices and to align with changes made by Office of the President. For more information, contact Office of the Dean of Students.

November 2011

Sec. 712-10: Guidelines for Securing the Services of Independent Consultants, has been updated to align with Business and Finance Bulletin, BUS-34. It also now links to the relevant Irvine Delegation of Authority, IDA 528, which designates certain positions authorized to approve independent consultant agreements.

October 2011

Office of the President

Personnel Policies for Staff Members PPSM 60, Layoff and Reduction in Time from Professional and Support Staff Career Positions, clarifies that in addition to seniority, employee performance and ability are to be considered as factors in determining staff employee layoffs and/or reductions in time.

UC Business and Finance Bulletin G-41, Employee Non-Cash Awards and Other Gifts, has been revised to clarify appropriate gift-giving events. For more information: Issuance letter

UC Business and Finance Bulletin G-42, Gifts Presented to Non-Employees on Behalf of the University, has been revised to increase the dollar limit on certain gifts. For more information: Issuance letter

UC Business and Finance Bulletin G-43, Policy on University Memberships in Organizations, has been revised to specify limits on memberships and contributions. For more information: Issuance letter

September 2011

Sec. 714-16: Procedures for Accessing University Administrative Information Systems, has been updated to include a training requirement for Departmental Security Administrators.

Sec. 714-18: Computer and Network Use Policy, has been updated to clarify user responsibility for following campus security procedures. Personal equipment accessing the network must have current security patches applied and properly functioning security software.

Sec. 800-12: Data Communications Systems Guidelines, has been updated and streamlined to better communicate the information needed by users planning to install or change their data communication systems.

Sec. 800-15: UCI Guidelines for the UC Electronic Communications Policy, has been revised to clarify that UCI email addresses are the property of the University and should not be used as the point of contact for activities that are not UCI approved activities.

Office of the President

Policy on Self-Supporting Graduate Degree Programs and related Implementation Guidelines replace the 1996 policy and provide guidance UC programs that allow the University to serve additional students above and beyond the resources provided by the State while fulfilling demonstrated higher education and workforce needs.

August 2011

Sec. 800-10: Telecommunications Systems Guidelines, has been updated and revised to better describe current services and access to online telecommunications resources.

Sec. 800-13: UCInet Guidelines, has been reviewed to ensure the responsibilities of Local Network Administrators are up-to-date and revised to recommend that OIT be notified well in advance of building projects.

Office of the President

Seismic Safety Policy incorporates and consolidates three policies (University Policy on Seismic Safety, Independent Seismic Review of Capital Projects, Seismic Safety for Leased and Purchased Buildings) to provide consistency with newer ratings systems for seismic safety adopted by DGS, Division of the State Architect and the California State University, and to reflect current practices with regard to engineering and process. This Policy supersedes all previous versions.

Sustainable Practices Policy has been revised to update the following sections: green building design, climate protection practices, sustainable operations, environmentally preferable purchasing, and sustainable foodservice practices.

UC Business and Finance Bulletin RMP-8, Legal Requirements on Privacy of and Access to Information has been revised to remove the California Public Records Act section because it conflicted with existing practices across the University. For more information, contact UCI's Public Records Office.

July 2011

Office of the President

UC Business and Finance Bulletin G-28, Policy and Regulations Governing Travel, Appendix A, has been revised to reflect the new mileage reimbursement rate, effective July 1, 2011, of 55.5 cents per mile for expenses incurred in connection with the business use of a private automobile. In addition, the new mileage reimbursement rate for driving or shipping an automobile in connection with a move is 23.5 cents per mile. For more information: Memo

Sec. 501-05: Emotional Support Animals in Housing Policy was issued after revisions to the interim policy were made at the end of the six-month comment period.  The policy explains the specific requirements that apply to an individual’s use of an emotional support animal in UCI Housing.New UCI Procedures - Sec. 704-15 Non-Student Accounts Receivable Management Procedures were issued related to non-student accounts receivable including reimbursements due from state and federal sponsors of military and veterans accounts, third party student sponsors, sundry debtors, financial aid over awards for non-active students, sales and services agreements and all other miscellaneous campus receivables.  These procedures replaced Sec. 701-07: Collection of Accounts Receivable Procedure, Sec. 701-14: Procedure for Accounts Receivable - University Invoice, and/or Sec. 701-16: Departmental Billing Procedure.IS-5 Licensing and Operations of University Radio, Television and Microwave-underwent technical revisions to include the newest policy template, corrected grammar and verbs to match policy language, added the functional e-mail address for the Coordinator: uc_fcc_licenses@ucop.edu, The requirement to print a copy of the FCC regulation was deleted – it is online and readily available at https://www.ecfr.gov/ and terms, role names and organization names were updated to reflect current conventions.

  • Sec. 715-16: Moving and Relocation Guidelines underwent technical revisions to clarify procedures and update links and titles