Administrative Policies and Procedures: Alpha Index
- Abusive Conduct
Academic Freedom (systemwide policy) - Academic Personnel
- Academic policies
- Academic Senate
- Access to campus grounds
- Access to information
- Accidents, work-related
- Account codes
- Account/fund set up
- Accounting office
- Accounts receivable
- ACH information updates
- Administrative committees
- Advancement
- Advertising
- Affirmative Action
- Agreements
- affiliation agreements
- gift agreements
- health sciences agreements
- independent consultants
- independent contractors
- international academic MOUs & agreements
- license agreements
- material transfer agreements (MTAs)
- non-disclosure agreements
- performance agreements
- sales and service agreements
- service agreements
- sponsorship agreements
- Air pollution
- Alcohol
- sale, service, and consumption of alcoholic beverages
- tax-free alcohol
- testing transportation employees
- Alternative transportation
- Animals
- Archives
- Asbestos
- Audit
- Automated Clearing House information updates
- Awards to employees (non-cash)
- Bank accounts
- Banner
- Background checks
- Bench, memorial
- Bicycles
- Billing, departmental
- Biological materials, biosafety
- Breach, security (personal information data)
- Breastfeeding (systemwide policy)
- Budget
- Buildings, maintenance
- Buildings, naming of
- Bulk mail
- Bus
- Business cards
- Business conduct
- Business meetings
- Calendar, academic
- Campus planning
- CANRA (systemwide policy)
- Capital planning
- Carpooling
- Cashier
- Catastrophic leave
- Catering
- Cell phones
- Checks
- Child abuse - reporting (systemwide policy)
- Children
- Clery
- policy (systemwide policy)
- UCI procedures
- Classrooms, scheduling
- Commercial activities
- Communications
- Commuter services
- Computers/computing
- Conduct, business
- Conflict of interest
- Consensual relationships
- Conservation
- Construction
- Consultants
- Contractors
- Contracts and grants
- Controlled substances
- Copyright
- Digital Millennium Copyright Act (systemwide policy)
- fair use (systemwide policy)
- ownership (systemwide policy)
- patent (systemwide policy)
- Correspondence
- Cost Accounting Standards (CAS)
- Costing documentation
- Course materials fee
- Credit cards
- Data communications
- Debit cards
- Defibrillation program
- Delegation of authority
- Design and construction
- Directories and mailing lists
- Discrimination
- Disposal of records
- Disruption
- Distribution of literature
- Distribution Services
- DMV and driving records
- Donation / Donate
- Drones
- UAS/Drone procedures
- Drones (systemwide policy)
- Drug testing
- Education Loan Practices (systemwide policy)
- Electronic communications
- Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) updates
- Electronic security systems
- Emergency
- Emergency loan
- Emotional Support Animals in Housing
- Employee emergency loan
- Employee organizations
- Encumbrances
- End of Life Option Act (systemwide policy)
- Endorsement of checks
- Endowed chairs
- Endowments and gifts
- Entertainment
- Environmental health and safety
- Environmental planning
- Equipment
- Ethyl alcohol
- Event scheduling
- Expenditure control
- Facilities
- Fees for use of campus properties and services
- Filming
- FedEx
- Financial planning
- Firearms
- Fireworks
- Fiscal closing
- Flag display
- Fleet Services
- Food Service
- Foreign students and scholars
- Forklift safety
- Flowers
- Free Speech
- Free speech at UCI
- Freedom of speech (systemwide policy)
- Fundraising
- Gender inclusive facilities (systemwide guidelines)
- Gifts, overview
- Government Relations
- with federal, State and local representatives (campus procedures)
- with federal and State officials (systemwide policy)
- Grounds
- Guns
- Harassment
- Hazard communication program
- Hazardous chemicals
- Health surveillance program
- Heartattack
- Home use of equipment and Internet
- Honoraria
- Housing
- Employee Housing Assistance Program (systemwide guidance)
- UCI Housing
- Hoverboard
- Human Resources Department
- Human subjects
- Immunization (systemwide policy)
- Improper activities reporting
- Income fund
- Independent consultants
- Independent contractors
- Information systems, administrative
- Information technology
- Injuries, work-related
- Instructional resources
- Insurance
- required from
- student (USHIP, GSHIP)
- travel(systemwide policy)
- University self-insurance (GL, property, EPL, AL, APD)
- Vehicle insurance
- Workers' Compensation
- Integrity
- Intellectual Property
- International activities (student)
- International agreements
- International students and scholars
- Internet
- Internet access from home (systemwide policy)
- Inventory of equipment
- Mail delivery
- Maintenance
- Marquee
- Meal and lodging reimbursement
- Media services
- Medical exam, students
- Memberships (systemwide policy)
- Memorial gifts
- Mileage reimbursement
- Military - Supplement to military pay (systemwide policy)
- Minors
- child abuse reporting (systemwide policy)
- children in campus facilities
- in laboratories and shops (systemwide policy)
- Mortgage Origination Program (systemwide guidance)
- Motorist assistance
- Motorized carts
- Moving and relocation
- Open Access
- Academic Senate faculty (systemwide policy)
- non-Academic Senate employees (systemwide policy)
- Organizational charts
- Outside Professional Activities - Senior Management Group (systemwide policy)
- PDAs (systemwide policy)
- Parking policy
- Patents
- UCI Applied Innovation
- patent (systemwide policy)
- Payment cards
- Payroll
- Payroll certification
- Performance agreements
- Permit mail
- Personal information, security breach
- Personal purchase
- Personnel activity report (PAR)
- Pest management
- Personnel procedures for staff members
- Pets on campus-policy
- Petty cash
- Photography
- Planning and construction
- Police
- Policies and procedures
- Political activities
- Posting/distributing of literature
- Preadmission med exam
- Privacy
- Procurement
- Promotion
- Properties, naming of
- Property (equipment)
- Property (use of premises)
- Protected data
- Protection against retaliation
- Protection of information
- Protective clothing
- Public records request
- Purchase requisitions
- Purchasing
- Radio, campus systems
- Recharge
- recharge facility and activity review and approval
- service department recharges
- Recording
- Records management: retention, storage, shredding
- Records request (public)
- Recruitment
- Staff
- Undergraduate students (systemwide policy)
- Regents' agenda items
- Relatives, hiring
- Reimbursement
- Religious activities
- Relocation expenses
- Removal
- Research administration
- Retiree
- rehire senior management group and staff positions (systemwide policy)
- rehire and business contracts (systemwide guidance)
- Retirement gifts
- Retaliation for reporting
- Ridesharing
- Risk management
- Rooms, non-academic use
- Safety
- Sales/service income
- Sales/use tax
- Scheduling events
- Scooters
- Seal (University)
- Security breach, personal information
- Security guidelines, computers
- Security systems, buildings
- Seismic safety
- Self-supporting
- auxillary enterprises (systemwide policy)
- graduate professional degree programs (systemwide policy)
- Service agreements
- Sexual
- Shredding
- Shipping and receiving
- Signature authorization
- Skate/skateboards
- Smoking / tobacco-free environment
- Social security numbers
- Speech and advocacy (off-site source)
- Sponsorship agreements, non-research
- State/federal officials
- Stationery, offical
- Student fees
- Student International Activities
- Student policies
- Student records
- Subpoenas
- Substance abuse
- Succession
- Supplemental Home Loan Program (systemwide guidance)
- Surplus property
- Sustainability
- Sympathy gifts
- Tax-free alcohol
- Tax, sales and use
- Telecommunications
- Temporary employees
- Testing drivers
- Tobacco industry funding
- Tobacco / smoke free environment
- Trademarks (University)
- Transfer, bio materials
- Travel
- policy
- regulations (systemwide policy)
- Connexus
- UCInet guidelines
- UCInet security
- Unions
- University Advancement
- University business cards and letterhead
- University name/seal
- Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)
- UAS/Drone procedures
- UAS/Drones (systemwide policy)
- Vanpool, see Sustainable transportation
- Vehicles, University
- Vendors
- Videotaping
- use of recordings of course presentations (systemwide policy)
- use of videotapes
- Violence
- Volunteers
UCI Policies
UCI Procedures
External Links