UC Irvine's Administrative Policies & Procedures and Delegations of Authority
Sources of policy information maintained by the Administrative Policies Office:
- Administrative Policies & Procedures - These policy and procedure sections communicate what will be done specifically on the UC Irvine campus. Each section displays the most recent revision or review date, the campus office or administrator responsible for its development and maintenance (the "owner"), and contact information.
There are generally three types of campus administrative policy statements:
- Those that relate to a specific activity and do not require campuswide participation to implement (food service, fireworks, animals on campus).
- Those that have campuswide application (e.g., emergency management, computer and network use) and include links to various sources of official policy information (e.g., State of California, Business and Finance Bulletins).
- Those that adhere to specific guidelines mandated by Office of the President, implementing a complex Universitywide policy in a specific non-financial area and requiring campus participation to implement (e.g., whistleblower, sexual harassment, electronic communications).
Many other sections are called guidelines and contain procedures developed by departments within central administration. For example, financial sections originating in the Division of Finance and Administration (DFA) coordinating point generally derive their authority from systemwide policies. Step-by-step instructions for completing financial tasks or operational guidelines for handling common administrative activities are also stated in ZOT Portal, a portal to financial tools such as KFS.
- A subject index of UC Irvine's Delegations of Authority shows another compendium of official documents maintained on this site with links to corresponding Presidential delegations of authority. UCI Delegation of Authority Letters are issued by the Chancellor and define in writing the campus official(s) responsible for approving/implementing major, broad-based business activities on behalf of the University which may involve significant areas of liability or public accountability. Like policies, delegations to the campus may come in the form of a systemwide directive to the Chancellors (a Presidential Delegation or Presidential Policy), or may be stated in another Office of the President format. Letters are prepared and issued by the Administrative Policies Office.
The Administrative Policies Office maintains the official record of campus administrative policy revisions and approvals, as well as the Delegations of Authority. Copies of these documents are also sent to the Libraries Archives.
Personnel Procedures for UCI Staff Members, which are maintained on this website, are the implementation of the UC Policies for Staff Members. Human Resources is the department responsible for these sections.
- Administrative Policies & Procedures - These policy and procedure sections communicate what will be done specifically on the UC Irvine campus. Each section displays the most recent revision or review date, the campus office or administrator responsible for its development and maintenance (the "owner"), and contact information.