Sources of Authority for University of California Policies
State and Federal Regulations
The Regents of the University of California
Presidential Policies and Delegations of Authority
The Regents promulgate policy for the University overall, but certain policy-making duties are conferred on the President of the University in Standing Orders 100.4. New Presidential policy may result from Regents' action, changes in law, or new administrative issues within the University itself. Presidential policies are revised or rescinded based on changes to Regents' policy, legal or societal changes, or administrative changes. Policy review prior to issuance by the President is performed by the University Policy Office, within the immediate office of the Senior Vice President--Business and Finance in the Office of the President. The General Counsel of The Regents is responsible for legal review. Presidential policies customarily set forth courses of action, provide administrative direction, and promulgate regulations or processes which are applicable Universitywide.
Presidential policy-making usually involves extensive consultation with various constituencies of the University community and may include representative administrators, faculty and students from each of the ten University of California campuses and the national laboratories. The University Policy Office coordinates appropriate consultation during the policy-making process and assures that the proposed policy is consistent with existing Presidential policy and regulations outside the University. While policy review is performed by the University Policy Office, Office of the General Counsel is responsible for legal review.
- Presidential Delegations of Authority - Authorities conferred upon the President by the Board of Regents which the President has chosen to redelegate to other senior officers, including Chancellors, in published form.