Absence From Work

Procedure 46: Administrative Leave

This UCI Personnel Procedure is being revised.
Please contact your Human Resources Business Partner for guidance and

Responsible Office: Human Resources
May 2012

A. References

Personnel Policies for Staff Members

  • Policy 2, Definition of Terms
  • Policy 2.210, Absence From Work Policy: Holidays
  • Appendix II--Personnel Policies for Senior Managers

B. Authority and Responsibility

It is the employee's responsibility to notify their supervisor no later than the next working day after learning of the need for leave time.

The supervisor approves or denies the request and determines whether the leave is with or without pay. The supervisor requests appropriate documentation when applicable (ie., jury duty notification and certificate of attendance, subpoena).

Administrative leave with pay for natural or other emergencies or to attend University meetings or functions, is authorized by or designated by the Chancellor.

C. Definitions

  1. Eligible Employee: An staff employee in a full- or part-time position.
  2. Administrative Leave: Leave with or without pay to participate in specified University and civic activities, or because of natural or other emergencies.

D. Guidelines

  1. Requests for Administrative Leave should be in writing and should be supported by documentation of need when applicable (i.e., jury duty notification, subpoena).
  2. Administrative Leave is not to exceed the number of hours in the employee's normal work day and normal work week.
  3. Administrative Leave for Voting - Polling sites are usually open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on election days. Leave should be granted only when the employee's work schedule would not allow the employee time to exercise the voting privilege before or after the scheduled work day.
  4. For any other leave of absence, refer to the following Personnel Policies or contact a Human Resources Consultant.

E. Procedures

  1. Employee notifies supervisor of need for administrative leave, specifying the purpose of the leave.
  2. Supervisor approves/denies leave and notifies employee within two working days. Approval will be given to all requests as outlined in this policy except:
    1. When a scheduling conflict occurs, the supervisor should work with the employee to reschedule the leave at a time that does not produce a scheduling conflict.
    2. When an employee is required to work, is on another type of leave with or without pay, or is not scheduled to work during the time other employees are granted administrative leave, such employee is not eligible for additional pay or compensatory time off.
    3. Employees on limited appointments are not eligible for administrative leave with pay for jury duty.
    4. An administrative leave with pay may include related travel time, not to exceed the pay for the employee's normal work day and work week, when a non-exempt employee is called to jury duty, and when a non-exempt career employee is subpoenaed as a witness for a proceeding not involving the University.

F. Applicability

All staff members, except Senior Managers (see Administrative Leave with Pay); and employees who are in a bargaining unit that has an exclusive representative (union) and are covered by the applicable provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.