Academic Affairs
UC Academic Personnel Manual (APM)
Academic personnel policies originating at the Office of the President and issued by Academic Personnel. Includes the Faculty Code of Conduct.
UC Academic Senate
Bylaws and regulations are set forth in the Manual of the Academic Senate. Other resources include the Faculty Handbook.
UC Policy on Copyright Ownership
UC Policy on Ownership of Course Materials
Addresses copyright ownership issues related to materials prepared for instructional puposes at the University of California.
UC Policy on Copyright and Fair Use
Encourages the appropriate use of materials created by others for teaching, learning, research, or public service and clarifies the University’s support for the fair use of scholarly and educational material as permitted in U.S. Copyright Law.
UC Policy on Use of Recordings of Course Presentations
Intended to provide a tool that can assist with the known problem of the unauthroized taking and selling of lecture notes, and some technogical variants of this practice, such as unauthorized videotaping for commercial purposes.
UCI Academic Personnel Procedures (APP)
Campus procedures implement systemwide policies set forth in the Academic Personnel Manual (APM). Issued by UCI's Office of Academic Personnel.
Irvine Division Academic Senate Manual
Contains bylaws, regulations, and appendices of the Irvine Division, which is also a committee of the UC Academic Senate. Includes the Faculty Code of Conduct. Issued by the Irvine Division of the Academic Senate.
UCI General Catalog
UCI's General Catalogue is published annually and constitutes the University of California, Irvine's document of record for course descriptions; degree and graduation requirements; and other academic regulations and procedures.
Academic Chair's Resource Guide
Comprehensive listing of academic and administrative sources of policy and procedural guidelines.
University Policies & Procedures to Protect Free Speech and Academic Freedom