EH&S and Facilities
UC Facilities Manual
Covers University of California facilities planning, design and construction, operations and administration policies, procedures, and guidelines for design, construction contracting, and facilities management - based on Regents' policy, federal and state laws, regulations, case law, and results of UC's dispute resolution. Issued by UC Construction Services.
Delegations & Limit of Authority Table
UC Facilities Policies Index
State Laws for UC Const. Contracting
Code & Regulatory Compliance
Facilities Management Services
Responsible for the University’s diverse facilities and charged with optimizing scarce facilities funding by developing innovative energy efficiency, energy procurement, and facility renewal programs.
UC Policy on Environmental Health & Safety
Chapter 3-200 of the UC Contracts & Grants Manual includes the Univeristy's statement on environmental issues. It is the policy of the University of California to maintain a reasonably safe environment for its students, academic appointees, staff, and visitors. The University Policy on Environmental Health and Safety was issued by the President on October 22, 1986.
UC Policy on Management of Health, Safety and the Environment
Implements an integrated health, safety and environmental management system designed to meet both Cal-EPA and Cal/OSHA requirements for safety and environmental management programs.
Policy on Seismic Safety
Applies to both the seismic upgrade and repair of University structures damaged in an earthquake. It identifies the codes and guidelines for specific types of repair.
Environmental Health & Safety
EH&S interprets laws and regulations to insure the health and safety of the campus community and to protect the environment. This includes developing compliance strategies in the areas of fire protection/safety engineering, industrial hygiene/biosafety, sanitation, radiation protection, hazardous materials/hazardous waste management, environmental regulatory affairs, general safety, occupational health, and disaster preparedness.
Facilities Management
Responsible for campus maintenance, operation and renovation of buildings, grounds and utility systems, custodial care, fleet services and engineering support.